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发布时间:2018-05-04 03:08

  本文选题:直流融冰系统 + 并行双回线路 ; 参考:《重庆大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:输电线路覆冰严重地危害了电力系统的安全、稳定运行。作为现有融冰/除冰技术中最有效、直接的融冰方法,直流融冰技术受到了国内外的广泛关注。冬季我国大范围地区会遭受严重的雨雪冰冻天气,新兴的直流融冰技术在我国电网中得到了推广应用;但是在运行调试过程中出现同塔并行交流线路对直流融冰线路产生工频电磁干扰引发直流融冰系统50Hz保护异常告警、闭锁等问题。随着电网规模的扩大,输电走廊稀缺,两回或多回线路同塔并架已成为必然,交流运行线路对直流融冰线路的工频电磁耦合及其引发的一系列干扰问题不容忽视。直流融冰技术发展时间不长,对其电磁兼容性研究还比较薄弱。因此,深入开展交流输电线路对邻近并行直流融冰线路工频感应及其对直流融冰系统影响的基础理论研究,提出相应的抗干扰措施,对于增强直流融冰系统的电磁兼容性能、确保直流融冰系统的安全稳定运行具有理论指导意义。 对此本文的主要工作如下: ①从理论上分析了直流融冰线路中工频感应分量产生的机理;采用电磁暂态仿真软件PSCAD/EMTDC,选择频变传输线模型建立了同塔并行双回线路模型;基于直流融冰系统的工作原理,构建直流融冰系统模型,将交流双回线路中的一回停运改接为直流融冰,形成交流线路对同塔并行直流融冰线路电磁干扰的仿真预测模型。 ②研究了融冰方式、并行交流输电线路输送功率、并行线路长度、并行间距以及换位等因素对工频感应电流的影响及其影响规律;分析了融冰线路中工频感应电流对融冰系统50Hz保护及换流变压器的影响,讨论并提出了抑制直流融冰系统的工频感应分量的措施。 ③分别对仅存在交直流线路耦合、仅存在整流器脉冲丢失故障以及既有交直流耦合又发生脉冲丢失故障三种情况下的融冰系统建立工频等效电路,对交直流线路耦合时的工频感应分量与整流器脉冲丢失故障时工频分量进行特征提取,提出了附加电压信息的50Hz保护优化判据,,仿真验证了优化判据的有效性。
[Abstract]:The icing of transmission lines seriously endangers the safety and stability of the power system. As the most effective and direct ice melting method in the existing ice / deicing technology, direct current thawing technology has been widely concerned at home and abroad. In winter, the large area in China will suffer severe snow and ice weather, and the new DC ice melting technology is in the power grid of China. It has been popularized and applied, but in the process of running and debugging, the frequency electromagnetic interference caused by the parallel transmission line of the same tower on the DC thawing line causes the abnormal alarm and locking of the 50Hz protection in the DC thawing system. With the expansion of the power grid, the transmission corridor is scarce, and the two or multiple circuits are bound to be the same tower and frame. The power frequency electromagnetic coupling and a series of interference problems arising from the line to the DC melting ice line can not be ignored. The development time of the DC thawing technology is not long, and the research on its electromagnetic compatibility is still weak. Therefore, the power frequency induction of the AC transmission line and its influence on the DC ice melting system are deeply carried out. The basic theory research and the corresponding anti-interference measures are of theoretical guiding significance for enhancing the EMC performance of the DC ice melting system and ensuring the safe and stable operation of the DC ice melting system.
The main work of this article is as follows:
(1) the mechanism of the induction component in the DC melting ice line is analyzed theoretically, and the parallel double circuit model of the same tower is established by using the electromagnetic transient simulation software PSCAD/EMTDC, and the model of the parallel double circuit of the same tower is established. Based on the working principle of the DC ice melting system, the model of the DC ice melting system is built, and the one back stop in the AC double circuit line is stopped. The DC model is used to simulate the electromagnetic interference caused by AC transmission lines on parallel parallel DC ice melting lines on the same tower.
Secondly, the influence of the ice melting mode, the parallel transmission line transmission power, the parallel line length, the parallel distance and the transposition and other factors on the power frequency induction current are studied. The influence of the induction current on the 50Hz protection and the change of the rheology pressure in the ice melting system is analyzed, and the suppression of the DC ice melting system is discussed and proposed. The measures of the frequency induction component of the system.
(3) the power frequency equivalent circuit is set up in three cases of only the AC and DC transmission line coupling, only the rectifier pulse loss fault and both AC and DC coupling and the pulse loss fault. The frequency component of the power frequency induction component and the rectifier pulse loss fault in the coupling of AC and DC lines is extracted. The 50Hz protection optimization criterion with additional voltage information is proposed, and the validity of the optimization criterion is verified by simulation.



中国期刊全文数据库 前10条

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