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发布时间:2018-05-04 21:55

  本文选题:智能电网 + 高级量测体系 ; 参考:《国防科学技术大学》2014年博士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information and communication technology, all countries such as China, the United States, Canada and other countries are upgrading the old power system to smart grid. The smart grid has the characteristics of two-way communication, high reliability, real-time demand response, self-healing and user participation. It has high research value and application value. It is one of the key problems in the design and Realization of smart grid, which directly affects the normal operation of smart grid and the acceptance of smart grid technology. From the components of the smart grid, the distribution region and the design object, the smart grid is a very complex system. With the deployment of smart grid throughout the world, the more it is deployed, the more the smart grid is deployed in the world The more security and privacy issues are exposed. Because of the complexity of the smart grid and the application of new technology, the traditional security and privacy protection mechanism cannot be applied directly, and the new protection mechanism is urgently needed to solve these problems. On the basis of systematic research on the security of smart grid and privacy protection, this paper aims at the smart grid. The emerging security and privacy issues: network users' privacy issues and key device group communication problems, carry out in-depth research and propose corresponding solutions. The main work and innovation points of this paper are as follows: 1. the problem of user multi-dimensional measurement data privacy protection in smart grid is studied, and a kind of user data based on cloud is designed. Quick security query mechanism (second chapter) the rapid development of smart grid leads to blowout of measured data, which brings heavy burden to power companies. How to carry out multidimensional data query that is safe and efficient and to protect users' privacy is a serious problem facing smart grid. Therefore, this paper proposes a multi-dimensional measurement for privacy protection. The data query mechanism is implemented with Mapreduce program in the Hadoop distributed environment. In the query mechanism proposed in this paper, the multidimensional measurement data is stored in the cloud server in the form of ciphertext. In order to protect the user's privacy and improve the availability of the data, the query can be obtained through the search algorithm designed in this paper. In order to strengthen the data owner's control of the data, the ID. of the most similar data of the most similar K data is used to control the data. In this paper, an improved attribute based cipher strategy encryption method is used to control the data access control. Only the query that satisfies the specific attribute can calculate the data of the ciphertext to obtain the query data. The full analysis shows that the query mechanism proposed in this paper can effectively protect the confidentiality of the measured data and the privacy of the users. Experiments on the test data show that the mechanism can greatly shorten the search time and improve the search efficiency without losing the quality of the search, so that it is more suitable for the mass in the smart grid. .2. to study the privacy of tramcar users in smart grid and design a secure communication model with controlled links and protection of privacy in the power grid (V2G). V2G is an important part of the smart grid. It can greatly improve the efficiency of the power grid and promote the application of clean energy. However, V2G is involved in the V2G use. The privacy problem of the household has not been solved well, which restricts the further development of V2G. In this paper, a secure communication model with controllable link and privacy protection is designed to protect the sensitive data of the electric vehicle users, based on the hidden direction in order to protect the sensitive data of the electric vehicle users. The user information query scheme is designed by the amount of encrypted query predicate, which enables the V2G manager to charge and discharge the electric vehicle without obtaining the exact sensitive data of the user. In addition, the V2G operator can make anonymous statistics of the user's reference to the V2G according to the actual requirements and can be trusted to be trusted. The application of authorization to trace the malicious users that destroy the V2G system. Security analysis shows that the proposed model can effectively protect the user's identity and location privacy and state information privacy. The performance analysis shows that the computational overhead and communication overhead of the model are relatively moderate, and are fully applicable to the study of the smart grid in the V2G system by.3.. The security and reliability group communication problem of the measurement control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, a efficient self-healing group key management mechanism (fourth chapter) is proposed in this paper. Based on the characteristics of the real-time and resource constraints of the SCADA system in the smart grid, a efficient self-healing group key management mechanism is proposed. The proposed mechanism can ensure that the system can continue to operate safely when the equipment fails. The forward security and backward security of the group key are guaranteed by the two-way hash chain. The security analysis shows that the key management mechanism proposed in this paper can satisfy the security requirements of the group key and has dynamic revocation and capture. The performance analysis shows that the memory overhead and communication overhead of the mechanism are moderate, and can meet the performance requirements of the SCADA system..4. studies the security group communication problem in the data acquisition terminal of the smart grid. A high effective group key management mechanism (fifth chapter) based on the logical routing tree is proposed. In this paper, a secure and extensible group key management mechanism based on hierarchical and clustering is proposed in this paper. According to the different requirements of communication security, this paper designs two kinds of cluster heads and cluster members according to the Lu Youtuo flutter of wireless sensor networks. In the key management scheme, in the key management mechanism proposed in this paper, the cost of key update can be reduced significantly due to the sharing of the same key encryption key in one layer or the adjacent nodes in the cluster. In addition, the application of lazy update strategy further reduces the opening of the key update. In the key management mechanism proposed in this paper, each section The point only needs to store a small number of keys, and the key storage cost is very low to meet the limited storage space requirements of the sensor nodes. Security analysis shows that the mechanism meets the security requirements of the group key management scheme from the key establishment stage to the key update, and can effectively reduce the harm of witch attack, Rep denial of service and node capture attack. The simulation results show that the mechanism can greatly reduce the energy consumption of key update when the member nodes have great changes. Therefore, it can extend the life cycle of the whole network and have good expansibility. In summary, this paper focuses on the two major problems of the privacy problems of the users and the communication problems of the key equipment security groups in the smart grid. The key technical problems put forward new solutions, and guaranteed the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm from two aspects of performance overhead and security.



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