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发布时间:2018-05-04 22:44

  本文选题:正向结构 + 反向结构 ; 参考:《西安电子科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Clean, renewable new energy is the inevitable choice under the background of energy crisis and environmental pollution. As one of the new energy sources, solar energy is widely distributed and can be passed through light and heat because of its large quantity. Photoelectric and other ways to make use of the advantages and so on are highly respected. Solar cells are devices that convert solar energy into energy storage and use. At present, most of the solar cells that have been commercialized are inorganic solar cells, but they have a high cost and complex process. Limited materials and possible pollution limit their large-scale application. Organic solar cells are widely used because of their wide source of materials, low cost, simple preparation and wide application. The advantages of large area flexibility are becoming more and more interesting. In this paper, organic solar cells with both forward and reverse structures have been prepared by solution spin coating and vacuum thermal evaporation based on narrow band gap polymer bulk heterojunction structure, and their efficiency and stability have been compared. It is found that although the power conversion efficiency of the reverse organic solar cell is slightly lower, it is only 84.86 of the forward device, but its device stability is very good. In the case of no packaging, the device efficiency of more than 90% can be maintained after 25 days in the nitrogen glove box. The forward device is only 75. In order to further improve the efficiency of reverse organic solar cells, the effects of nitrogen atmosphere annealing in cathode buffer layer, oxygen plasma treatment and drying time of organic active layer on reverse organic solar cells were studied. It is found that the annealing of cathode buffer layer in nitrogen atmosphere can obviously improve the device efficiency. The results of surface morphology and UV-Vis transmission spectrum show that the ZnO film annealed in nitrogen atmosphere has a smaller surface roughness. Higher electron mobility leads to more efficient charge carrier transport and collection; Indium tin oxide oxide plasma treatment not only increases the open circuit voltage of the battery but also reduces the short circuit current density and filling factor of the battery so the performance of the battery is not improved obviously. The optimum device performance can be obtained when organic active layer is dried for 8 hours. If the drying time is too long or too short, it will lead to the serious photobath phenomenon of organic solar cells. In this paper, reverse organic solar cells with high efficiency and good stability have been obtained by changing the annealing environment of cathode buffer layer and optimizing the drying time of organic active layer by using reverse device structure. The possibility and inevitability of realizing stable organic solar cells, however, the realization of large-scale industrialization of organic solar cells still needs researchers to explore and make efforts on the basis of more extensive exchanges and cooperation.


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