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发布时间:2018-05-05 00:04

  本文选题:SPWM逆变器 + 负序分量 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In this paper, SPWM and other modulation methods are used to control the single and parallel operation of UPS. Firstly, the characteristics and performance index of UPS are introduced. The circuit control strategy of inverter, nonlinear load and unbalanced load, circulation property of parallel module and active power are introduced in this paper. The average distribution of reactive power is discussed in detail. In this paper, the mathematical model and transfer function of the inverter in abc and DQ coordinate system are derived firstly, and the shortcomings of its steady and dynamic characteristics are pointed out, which leads to the double closed loop control of the inverter. In addition, for the three-phase half-bridge inverter to consider the unbalanced load, this paper introduces a method of separating the positive and negative sequence components in dq coordinate system, and also introduces the method of separation of the positive and negative sequence components in the dq coordinate system. PR control method in coordinate system. Based on the good operation of the single machine, the transmission characteristics of the output power of the inverter in the process of parallel operation are studied in depth, and the approximate mathematical model of the parallel module of the inverter is established. The circulating current of the inverter in parallel is related to two factors: the difference of the equivalent voltage source (including amplitude and phase) of the two inverters, which is related to the external output impedance of the two inverters with a given voltage under a certain control method It includes resistance value and sense value. We generally use the output active power difference and reactive power difference of the inverter to adjust the amplitude and phase of a given voltage. However, the output impedance of the inverter is not necessarily pure inductive, but usually has both resistive and inductive components. So there is a coupling relationship between active power difference and reactive power difference of current sharing control in parallel system and amplitude difference and phase difference of given voltage, so the general droop control method not only has serious coupling, but also has poor accuracy. This paper first analyzes this method, then introduces the concept of virtual impedance, which can decouple the current sharing algorithm and greatly reduce the circulation caused by the difference of output impedance.


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