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发布时间:2018-05-05 15:49

  本文选题:色温调节 + OLED模组 ; 参考:《福州大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology and the continuous improvement of living standards, people have higher and higher demands on the light environment created by lighting system, such as comfort, resource consumption, humanized design and so on. OLED white light devices are more and more popular in lighting market for their advantages in color temperature, brightness adjustment, high color performance and environmental protection. Therefore, this paper studies a white OLED intelligent lighting system which can automatically adjust the color and brightness according to the human body's perception of light environment. Firstly, the traditional lighting system can only realize the light source on, off and brightness adjustment, so it is difficult to create different light atmosphere according to the environment. Based on the three-color white light OLED, by analyzing the physiological and psychological effects of different light environments, the relationship between the light source color temperature and the thermal comfort of human body is studied, and the corresponding relationship between the degree of comfort and the light source color temperature is established. Based on the principle of three primary color mixing light, the relationship between the brightness coefficient of RGB three primary color and the color temperature and brightness of the light source is deduced, and the mapping relationship between the environmental parameters and the color temperature and brightness of the three primary color OLED light source is established. It lays a theoretical foundation for the realization of intelligent dimming in this system. The intelligent dimming in this subject is mainly reflected in the ability to automatically change the color temperature and brightness of the OLED light source according to the change of the environment, and the user can choose the corresponding scene mode according to different application sites. Secondly, aiming at the problems of complex control mode, weak expansibility and heavy terminal control equipment in the traditional lighting system, the central control module of this system is introduced into embedded Linux system, and the software and hardware of embedded Linux system can be cut out fully. Small size, and through the RS485 bus to achieve the centralized control of each OLED lighting unit. In addition, for individual OLED lighting sub-unit, in order to improve the brightness and uniformity of the light source, this subject also starts from the angle of circuit design, centralized control each OLED light source module, and puts forward a method of uniform dimming of OLED module. Combining the power management and the adjustment of the RGB three primary color luminance coefficient, the OLED module is realized to dimming light evenly, which is beneficial to the large area of the OLED light source lighting. Finally, based on the future development trend of photovoltaic building integration, the system adopts organic thin film solar cell and power grid hybrid power supply mode, which makes the system easy to use solar energy, low carbon environmental protection, The application of this system is extended effectively. The test results show that through QT interface, the system can monitor the working condition of OLED illumination subunit in real time, and the module light source can realize the automatic adjustment of color temperature in 2000K-7500K and the automatic adjustment of brightness of 15 levels under the same color temperature. A variety of application scenarios can also be selected manually. Therefore, the development of this topic has a high reference significance for the study of humanized lighting.


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