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发布时间:2018-05-06 19:39

  本文选题:电动汽车充电站 + 配电网 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着能源危机、环境污染等问题的日益严重,,电动汽车的大规模推广应用已逐渐成为了未来汽车行业的发展趋势,受到了各国政府、企业的高度重视。电动汽车充电站不仅能够为电动汽车提供能源保障,而且其广泛接入对电力系统的运行、调度、管理等方面都会产生深刻的影响,尤其是对直接与其相联系的配电网而言更是如此。鉴于此,本文对计及电动汽车充电站接入的配电网的承载能力展开研究。 首先通过讨论和分析电动汽车充电站负荷建模过程中涉及的影响因素,按照根据充电方式、地理位置、出行特征将电动汽车充电站分为电池更换站、居民区充电站、公共场所充电站三类典型充电站,提出了采用蒙特卡洛模拟和概率统计分析相结合分别建立充电站的概率负荷模型的方法。在此基础上,建立了填谷效应最优的充电站配置方案模型并采用了粒子群优化算法求解问题,将两个典型的充电站配置方案进行仿真对比分析,结果表明粒子群优化算法得到的充电站配置方案填谷效应最优,所建立的充电站概率负荷模型有效实用。 然后通过借鉴和分析传统配电网承载能力的评估指标,结合电动汽车充电站的特点,从技术合理性、安全可靠性、经济性三个方面,提出了计及电动汽车充电站接入的配电网承载能力评估指标体系,并采用了层次分析法、熵权法和模糊理论相结合的综合决策方法进行评分。根据有无考虑混合型充电站接入的情况提出了两个典型的充电站接入方案,在IEEE33节点、美国PGE69节点的配电网中进行承载能力的评估与对比分析,结果表明所提出的计及电动汽车充电站接入的配电网承载能力评估指标体系与综合决策评分方法有效实用。 最后提出了一种提高计及电动汽车充电站接入的配电网承载能力的优化重构方法,以配电网承载能力的综合评分最高为目标,采用蚁群算法对配电网进行优化重构。对上述两个配电网进行优化重构同时对比分析优化重构前后配电网的变化,结果表明所提出的计及电动汽车充电站接入的配电网承载能力优化重构方法有效实用。
[Abstract]:With the energy crisis, environmental pollution and other problems increasingly serious, the large-scale application of electric vehicles has gradually become the development trend of the automotive industry in the future, which has been attached great importance by the governments and enterprises of all countries. Electric vehicle charging stations can not only provide energy security for electric vehicles, but also have a profound impact on the operation, dispatch and management of electric power systems. This is especially true for distribution networks that are directly associated with them. In view of this, this paper studies the load carrying capacity of distribution network with electric vehicle charging station. Firstly, by discussing and analyzing the factors involved in the load modeling of electric vehicle charging station, according to the charging mode, location and travel characteristics, the charging station of electric vehicle is divided into battery replacement station and residential charging station. There are three kinds of typical charging stations in public places. The method of combining Monte Carlo simulation and probability statistical analysis to establish the probabilistic load model of charging stations is put forward. On this basis, the optimal charging station configuration model with valley filling effect is established and the particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to solve the problem. Two typical charging station configuration schemes are compared and analyzed by simulation. The results show that the configuration scheme of charging station based on particle swarm optimization algorithm is optimal and the probability load model of charging station is effective and practical. Then through the reference and analysis of the traditional distribution network carrying capacity evaluation index, combined with the characteristics of electric vehicle charging station, from three aspects of technical rationality, safety and reliability, economy, An evaluation index system of load carrying capacity of distribution network considering the access of electric vehicle charging station is proposed. The comprehensive decision method combining AHP entropy weight method and fuzzy theory is used to score the system. In this paper, two typical charging station access schemes are proposed according to the consideration of hybrid charging station access. The load-carrying capacity is evaluated and compared in the distribution network of IEEE33 node and PGE69 node in the United States. The results show that the proposed evaluation index system of distribution network bearing capacity and the comprehensive decision scoring method are effective and practical. Finally, an optimization and reconfiguration method is proposed to improve the load carrying capacity of distribution network considering the access of charging stations of electric vehicles. The ant colony algorithm is used to optimize and reconstruct the distribution network, aiming at the highest comprehensive score of the load carrying capacity of the distribution network. The optimal reconfiguration of the two distribution networks is carried out and the changes of distribution network before and after the optimized reconfiguration are compared. The results show that the proposed optimal reconfiguration method of distribution network bearing capacity considering the connection of charging stations of electric vehicles is effective and practical.


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