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发布时间:2018-05-11 00:24

  本文选题:弯扭耦合 + 齿轮啮合 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Millions of kilowatt power station steam induced fan set is a large key equipment of the power station, its important characteristic is that many rotor-bearing systems that are independent of each other interact with each other through gear meshing. At present, there are few researches on gear coupling multi-rotor system at home and abroad. Therefore, taking the shafting system of the steam induced fan set of the millions of kilowatts power station of the two-stage gear deceleration drive as the research object, the modeling and vibration analysis of the gear coupling shaft system are carried out, and a set of bending vibration of the coupling shafting system with gears suitable for engineering application is formed. The calculation method system of torsional vibration and bending-torsional coupling vibration. The main research contents are as follows: (1) the linear and nonlinear dynamic models of shafting are established. According to the actual data of shafting, the structural characteristics of each component, the distribution of concentrated mass and moment of inertia, the material characteristics and gear parameters are considered synthetically. Bearing parameters, types of couplings, etc., to establish a dynamic model of the shaft system of a steam induced fan, Including the approximate linear dynamic model and the nonlinear dynamic model under the consideration of nonlinear factors, the vibration characteristics of shafting are analyzed. On the basis of gyroscopic moment, steam turbine and induced fan in shafting are mainly analyzed. The critical speed and mode of the bending vibration, torsional vibration, bending and torsional coupling vibration of the series subsystem and the whole shafting system are studied. The cross-stiffness and damping of the bearing of steam turbine support are also studied. The influence of gear box support stiffness and gear meshing stiffness on the inherent characteristics. The analysis of the unbalanced response of the shafting system of the gear box considering the coupling effect of gear and coupling and the nonlinear characteristics of the system synthetically consider that the system will appear in the system. New dynamics, For example, torsional vibration caused by bending vibration, coupled bending-torsional vibration and so on, under actual supporting conditions, the unbalance quantity and unbalance position are determined and the unbalance response in the case of shaft system unbalance is analyzed, and the steam turbine and gearbox are obtained. The dynamic response diagram of the key nodes in the shafting system when the coupling, the induced fan and all the unbalance quantities are taken into account, The influence of structure damping on system unbalance response is analyzed. The nonlinear response of shafting system under unbalanced excitation is analyzed. The coupling effect of gyro moment, gear and coupling is considered synthetically. The nonlinear dynamic equations of gear meshing stiffness are established, the degree of freedom is reduced by the method of fixed interface modal synthesis, and the response of the key nodes of steam turbine and induced fan is solved by the Newmark- 尾 method of unconditional convergence. The time domain waveforms axis locus and amplitude-frequency response curves of each key node are analyzed and the nonlinear effects of tooth side clearance and meshing stiffness on each key point are analyzed and compared.


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