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发布时间:2018-05-12 04:33

  本文选题:APF + 三电平三桥臂 ; 参考:《广东工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着现代工业技术和民用建筑行业的快速发展,低压配电网中非线性负荷迅速增加。各种非线性和时变性电子变流器如逆变器、整流器和各种开关电源在工业生产和日常生活中得到越来越广泛地应用,其对电网的污染也日益严重,这些装置从电网中消耗大量的无功功率,并产生大量的谐波分量注入电网,导致电网的电压和电流波形严重变形。谐波污染严重影响着电网和电气设备的安全、可靠、经济运行,影响着人民的生产生活用电质量,甚至造成灾难。因此,谐波治理已经成为电气工程领域迫切需要解决的问题。有源电力滤波器(Active Power Filter,简称APF)是一种动态补偿谐波和无功的新型电力电子装置,它能对大小和频率变化的谐波以及变化的无功进行补偿,是一种理想的谐波补偿装置。在三相四线制的低压配电网中,三电平三桥臂APF由于具有du/dt低、电流纹波小、开关频率低等优点,近年来越来越受到关注。 本文主要对三相四线制三电平三桥臂APF的电路进行设计,并对其两个关键技术进行深入研究,所完成的主要研究工作如下: (1)给出APF各部分的硬件电路设计方案,确定谐波电流检测计算方法和功率变换电路的调制策略。 (2)详细的设计了APF各部分硬件电路,并进行了初步的调试。 (3)对改进的FBD谐波电流检测计算方法进行了深入的探讨。 (4)对基于a-b-c坐标系的3D-SVPWM(三维空间矢量脉宽调制)技术进行了详细的分析。 (5)搭建了基于DSP TMS320C28335的三电平APF实验平台,满足三相四线制三电平三桥臂APF复杂的控制需求,对本文的设计和研究内容进行实验验证。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of modern industrial technology and civil construction industry, nonlinear load in low voltage distribution network increases rapidly. All kinds of nonlinear and time-varying electronic converters such as inverters, rectifiers and switching power supplies are more and more widely used in industrial production and daily life, and their pollution to the power grid is becoming more and more serious. These devices consume a large amount of reactive power from the power grid and generate a large number of harmonic components to be injected into the power network, which results in the serious distortion of the voltage and current waveforms of the power network. Harmonic pollution seriously affects the safety, reliability and economic operation of power grid and electrical equipment, affects the quality of production and life of people, and even causes disaster. Therefore, harmonic control has become an urgent problem in the field of electrical engineering. Active Power filter (APF) is a new type of power electronic device which can dynamically compensate for harmonic and reactive power. It can compensate the harmonics and reactive power of changes in size and frequency, so it is an ideal harmonic compensation device. In the three-phase four-wire low voltage distribution network, the three-level three-arm APF has attracted more and more attention in recent years because of its advantages of low du/dt, low current ripple and low switching frequency. In this paper, the circuit of three-level APF with three-phase four-wire system is designed, and its two key technologies are deeply studied. The main research work is as follows: 1) the hardware circuit design scheme of each part of APF is given, the harmonic current detection calculation method and the modulation strategy of power conversion circuit are determined. The hardware circuit of each part of APF is designed and debugged in detail. The improved FBD harmonic current detection and calculation method is discussed in detail. The 3D-SVPWM (Three-dimensional Space Vector Pulse width Modulation) technology based on a-b-c coordinate system is analyzed in detail. A three-level APF experimental platform based on DSP TMS320C28335 is built to meet the complex control requirements of three-level APF with three-phase four-wire system. The design and research contents of this paper are verified by experiments.


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