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发布时间:2018-05-12 05:44

  本文选题:磷酸铁锂电池 + 荷电状态 ; 参考:《清华大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Safety, energy saving, environmental protection is the eternal theme of automobile technology development. Nowadays, with the global energy crisis and environmental protection problem becoming more and more serious, the new energy vehicle, represented by electric vehicle, has become the development trend of the future automobile. As one of the key technologies of electric vehicles, the safe and efficient use of batteries depends on the accurate estimation of battery state. The state of the battery can be divided into two categories, one can be directly measured, such as voltage, current, temperature, etc. The other can not be measured directly, but can only be estimated by certain methods, such as charged state SOC, healthy state SOH and so on. There are many methods to estimate the state variables in the battery. Most of the methods are based on the basic principle of the amperage integral. Although the Anshi integration method is simple and feasible, there are two important questions: 1) it is impossible to estimate the initial value of SOC / 2) the inaccuracy of current measurement will cause cumulative error. In order to solve these problems, Kalman filter can be used. Because the battery is a highly nonlinear system, unscented Kalman filter (UKF) is better than extended Kalman filter (EKF). Batteries will age during long-term use. Aging batteries will have capacity decay. Therefore, the effect of aging must be taken into account in the SOC estimation using the principle of Anchor integral. In this paper, the monomer of lithium iron phosphate battery is taken as the research object. Firstly, various equivalent circuit models are compared. Considering the accuracy and complexity of the model, the Thevenin model is selected to describe the dynamic behavior of the battery. The parameters of the battery model are identified by HPPC test, and verified by Beijing bus operating condition. The results show that the Thevenin model can well describe the dynamic behavior of the battery, and its structure is simple and the parameter identification is convenient. Under the condition of constant temperature, the capacity attenuation of the battery during the aging process is obtained by cyclic aging. Then, based on the unscented Kalman filter (KF) algorithm, the battery SOC estimation is realized in Matlab environment. The effectiveness of the algorithm in a single working cycle is verified by using the Beijing bus working condition. The robustness and anti-noise ability of the algorithm are verified by the method of artificial initial value error and input noise. The simulation results show that the algorithm can gradually converge to the true value of SOC and follow when the initial value is inaccurate and the noise is included in the input. The estimation error is less than 5% in the middle and late stage of the test. Then the SOC of the battery in different aging stages is estimated with the capacity attenuation model, and the accuracy of the stability error is less than 5% during the whole aging process of the battery.


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