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发布时间:2018-05-13 09:42

  本文选题:风电并网 + 储能技术 ; 参考:《湖南大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The depletion of fossil energy and the deterioration of environmental problems have greatly promoted the development of renewable energy in the world, among which wind power generation as a relatively mature technology has been widely used. However, due to the uncertainty of wind energy, wind power will show varying degrees of volatility. As the scale of wind power increases year by year, the problems and challenges brought by the grid connection to power system are being upgraded, including the influence of power fluctuation on power quality and the peak-shaving pressure brought to conventional units. The low-precision wind power forecasting brings problems to power system dispatching and so on. The emergence and development of energy storage technology provides an effective way to solve the problem of wind power grid connection. The wind farm is equipped with a suitable type and scale of energy storage power supply to form a combined wind storage power generation system. By means of the rapid power huff and the time shift ability of the energy storage power supply, the characteristics of the wind power output are improved to make it a relatively controllable and adjustable power supply. Improve the stability of its grid-connected operation. In this paper, by subdividing the combined application of wind and storage, a method of energy storage needs assessment is put forward, which integrates "application selection, capacity configuration and optimal selection evaluation", which can provide planning guidance for relevant decision makers and has certain practical engineering value. In this paper, the technical and economic characteristic indexes of various kinds of energy storage are abstracted, and the comprehensive index system is formed, and a comprehensive static model of energy storage is constructed to describe the charge-discharge process of the battery as the main object. According to the difference of control goal and time scale, the combined application scenarios of wind and storage including "stabilizing fluctuation", "tracking planning force" and "cutting peak and filling valley" are divided, and the characteristic indexes of the corresponding scenarios are refined. Based on the comparison of different kinds of energy storage and the comprehensive index system, this paper uses the analytic hierarchy process to select and match the energy storage, and determines the relatively appropriate types of energy storage under the three scenarios. Based on the life-cycle cost theory and the "equivalent substitution" effect in the operation process, the cost-benefit economic model of energy storage is constructed by using the net present value (NPV) method. Taking the battery as the main object, an energy storage life calculation method combining the equivalent cycle life method and the rain flow counting method is proposed. According to the results of energy storage selection, appropriate capacity allocation strategies are put forward for the three application scenarios respectively. Through the simulation of wind farms in Zhangbei and other places, several feasible energy storage configuration schemes are formed under each application scenario. The methods of moving average filter and wavelet packet decomposition are used in the "stabilizing wave" scenario, and the particle swarm optimization method is used in the "tracking planning force" scenario to solve the economic model of energy storage. The method of dividing the control area of inner and outer layer of energy storage and the first order low pass filter is used in the scene of "cutting peak and filling valley". Finally, in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each energy storage configuration scheme in the technical and economic comprehensive performance, the preference sequence structure method and the analytic hierarchy process are combined to select the optimal scheme, and the optimal energy storage configuration scheme under each application scenario is obtained. At the same time, the sensitivity analysis of the influence of the evaluation index of each scheme on the ranking evaluation results is carried out by using the interactive aided geometric analysis method.


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