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发布时间:2018-05-15 03:03

  本文选题:电厂 + 辅机 ; 参考:《东北大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the completion of the world's first thermal power plant in 1875, the world's thermal power plant has entered a new era. With the consummation of generator and turbine manufacturing experiment, the improvement of transmission and transformation experiment, especially the expansion of power grid system and the demand for electric energy by social electrification, thermal power generation has entered a period of great development since the 20th century. The capacity of thermal power generating units has increased from several kilowatts to dozens of megawatts, and the world's largest thermal power unit has reached 1750 megawatts (Finland). The thermal efficiency of thermal power generation has been greatly improved, and the construction investment and power generation cost per kilowatt have been continuously reduced. High efficiency, energy saving and environmental protection have become the pursuit goals of thermal power generating units. Baosteel Power Plant Unit No. 4 is the first BFG gas mixing direct current barotropic boiler in the world. It is subcritical, primary reheat, DC, micro-positive pressure, tower boiler unit to make turbine-generator set. The boiler adopts Hitachi Germany Babcock power company's product. The technological characteristics of the whole unit and the configuration of auxiliary machines are unique at home and abroad, and its important auxiliary machine fault solving function (i.e. RUNBACK function) is very different from that of conventional units, and no mature experiments can be used for reference. In this paper, while strengthening the condition management of the important auxiliary machine of the unit, based on the experiment of the automatic control function of unit fast load reduction, RUNBACKK (RB function for short), the paper focuses on the research of the trouble solving strategy of the important auxiliary machine of the unit. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of the partial load of the unit, some functional test results .RB logic has been obtained, and the load bottleneck caused by the tripping of the important auxiliary machine is taken as the center. Based on the energy balance, the unit enters the turbine following mode after the load. RB occurs, the boiler combustion is controlled by the FSSS coarse adjustment, and the steam turbine adjusts the unit load according to the pressure in front of the turbine, and the unit load is adjusted according to the pressure in front of the turbine. The load of the unit is reduced steadily to a level suitable to the bottleneck point of the load, and the parameters are automatically adjusted to reach the new steady state automatically. The experiments show that the new control strategy is very successful and achieves a very good control effect. The test process and results are highly praised by the operators. Based on the new control strategy and good control results, the RB function has reached the leading level of the domestic 350MW unit. In the future, all 5 RB functions should be put into operation to provide reliable guarantee for the safe and stable operation of the unit. So that the No. 4 unit has the function of solving the important auxiliary machine fault. At the same time, a breakthrough has been made in the aspects of burner excision, fuel mixture burning ratio study, high and low calorific value switching, abnormal control of feed water and abnormal control of desuperheating water when the unit has abnormal RB working conditions. At the same time, it has successfully completed the development of the RB function of the unit. A series of experimental and innovative results have also been achieved.


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