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发布时间:2018-05-15 04:21

  本文选题:电力变压器改造 + 差动保护 ; 参考:《南京理工大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Power transformer is one of the most important equipments in power system, and its stable operation is the reliable guarantee for the safe operation of the whole power system. Due to some external or human factors, power transformers often occur various kinds of faults or problems, which harm the system safe and stable operation, and reduce the efficiency of transformer operation. In order to solve the problems existing in the operation of the transformer and make the transformer run safely, stably and efficiently, it is necessary to put forward the reform measures for the transformer. The problems in differential protection, cooling system and energy saving and consumption reduction of power transformers are discussed. On the basis of studying the relevant principles, the causes of the problems are analyzed, and the specific measures for improvement are put forward. The effectiveness of the scheme is verified by experiments. The specific research is as follows: (1) in view of the maloperation of differential protection in actual operation of transformer, based on the working principle of differential protection, the causes of maloperation of protection are analyzed. According to this, a scheme of using microcomputer differential protector SEL587 as transformer differential protector is put forward. The working performance of SEL587 microcomputer differential protector is tested by three test methods: the minimum differential current protection test on the high voltage side, the minimum current protection test on the low voltage side, and the differential quick break protection test on the low voltage side. The results show that the reliability of transformer protection against differential protection is improved. (2) aiming at the necessity of reforming transformer cooling system, such as long running time and unreasonable design, the working principle of oil-immersed transformer cooling system is analyzed. The reform principle and scheme are put forward. The hot spot temperature rise of transformers after transformation is analyzed in detail. The results show that the average temperature rise of transformer oil is reduced, the loss is reduced, and the electricity cost is saved after the transformer cooling system is reformed. On the basis of transformer loss theory and practical analysis, the transformation scheme of transformer energy saving is studied. In this paper, the technological structure of winding and core materials, oil tanks and transformers is reformed, and the intelligent equipment is introduced. The results show that the average temperature rise, noise and transformer loss are reduced in actual operation of transformers. The average load rate is increased to achieve the purpose of saving energy and reducing consumption.


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