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发布时间:2018-05-15 04:31

  本文选题:单片机 + 智能照明 ; 参考:《南京大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会的发展,能源问题显得日益突出,有资料显示,在全球范围内,用于照明的发电总量占总发电量的19%,而在我国,用于照明的发电总量占总发电量的13%左右。可想而知,如果能够使照明用具的发光效率,省电性能得到大幅提高,对于缓解当前能源不足问题有着重大的意义。OLED,即有机发光二极管又称为有机电激光显示(Organic Electroluminesence Display, OLED)。OLED的发光原理决定了OLDE的可视度和亮度都非常令人满意,从发光方式上来说,OLED发光材料通常发出的光线比较均匀柔和,与朗泊(lambert)辐射分布相当接近,因此OLED本身就几乎可以看作是一个灯具,不需要搭配其他配件就可以使用。总体来说,OLED需求的电压低而发光效率高,省电,再加上OLED的发光反应快速,厚度轻薄,重量很轻,成本低廉,结构简单等优点,相对于同样发光效率高的LED来说,OLED又有发光柔和,显色指数高,适用于室内照明等显著的优点,因此OLED被看作为未来前途最为光明的产品之一。虽然OLED有着种种优点,但是目前OLED刚刚处于产业起步发展,真正可以投入使用的OLED照明灯具很少,且价格比较昂贵。虽然OLED照明拥有广阔的前景,但是目前OLED照明灯具还处于研发推广阶段,相应的,适合OLED照明的电子控制系统也较少有人涉足。现有的OLED照明灯具大部分是采用传统的按钮控制开关,旋钮控制亮度的方式,不能很好的与OLED照明的科技感匹配。触摸控制是当前非常流行的一种电子控制方式,在智能手机、智能家电上广泛得到采用。通常来说,嵌入式触摸屏可以和液晶显示屏(LCD)结合起来,通过搭建嵌入式操作系统,实现智能化控制。通过这种方式可以实现,用手指在触摸屏上用点击,滑动等操作方式操控液晶屏。其优点是显而易见的,就是使用方便、方式直观,嵌入式触摸屏几乎可以完全代替传统方式的键盘输入方式,在电子产品和工业控制领域得到了广泛的应用。本设计尝试将OLED照明这种新型的绿色照明方式同嵌入式触摸屏装置结合,以图达到1+12的效果,制造出新颖,具有科技感,并且环保节能的智能家居照明设备。系统以PIC单片机为核心,主要由五个模块构成,分别是触摸控制模块、液晶显示模块、温度感应模块、灯片驱动模块以及时间控制模块。本设计成功制作了功能正常,运行良好的OLED灯具样品。实现了使用触摸显示屏对OLED灯光亮度以及时间温度信息显示的控制,完全没有添加额外按钮或者旋钮,显得新颖而具有科技感,符合现代科技潮流。
[Abstract]:With the development of society, the energy problem is becoming more and more prominent. Some data show that in the world, the total power generation for lighting accounts for 19 percent of the total electricity generation, while in China, the total power generation for lighting accounts for about 13 percent of the total electricity generation. It can be imagined that if the luminous efficiency of lighting appliances can be greatly improved, the power saving performance will be greatly improved. It is of great significance to alleviate the current problem of energy shortage. Ole, that is, organic Electroluminesence display with electromechanical laser display, is also called organic light-emitting diode. The principle of OLED).OLED luminescence determines that the visibility and brightness of OLDE are very satisfactory. In terms of luminescence mode, the luminescent materials usually emit more uniform and soft light, which is quite close to the radiation distribution of Lambert), so OLED itself can almost be regarded as a lamp and can be used without any other accessories. Generally speaking, OLEDs require low voltage and high luminous efficiency, saving electricity, plus the advantages of OLED, such as fast reaction, thin thickness, light weight, low cost, simple structure, etc. Compared with the LED with the same luminous efficiency, OLED has the advantages of soft luminescence, high color rendering index, suitable for indoor lighting and so on. Therefore, OLED is regarded as one of the most promising products in the future. Although OLED has a variety of advantages, but at present, OLED is just in the beginning of industrial development, the real OLED lighting can be put into use, and the price is relatively expensive. Although OLED lighting has a broad prospect, but at present, OLED lighting is still in the stage of development and promotion. Accordingly, the electronic control system suitable for OLED lighting is seldom involved. Most of the existing OLED lighting lamps use the traditional button control switch, the knob control luminance mode, can not be very good with the OLED lighting science and technology sense of match. Touch control is a very popular electronic control method, which is widely used in smart phones and smart appliances. Generally speaking, embedded touch screen can be combined with LCD (liquid crystal display screen) to realize intelligent control by building embedded operating system. In this way, the LCD screen can be controlled by clicking and sliding on the touch screen with fingers. Its advantages are easy to use, intuitive, embedded touch screen can almost completely replace the traditional way of keyboard input, and has been widely used in electronic products and industrial control field. This design attempts to combine OLED lighting, a new type of green lighting mode, with embedded touch screen device, in order to achieve the effect of 112, to create a novel, scientific and technological, and environmental protection and energy saving intelligent home lighting equipment. The system is composed of five modules, which are touch control module, liquid crystal display module, temperature sensing module, lamp driving module and time control module. This design has successfully made OLED lamp samples with normal function and good operation. The control of OLED lighting brightness and time temperature information by using touch display screen is realized, and no extra buttons or knobs are added. It is new and has a sense of science and technology, which is in line with the trend of modern science and technology.


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