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发布时间:2018-05-19 19:30

  本文选题:攀爬平台 + 结构优化 ; 参考:《长春理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:伴随着风力发电事业的高速发展,风力发电设备的安装维护工程也日益增多,为解决风力发电设备维护安装过程中造价高,周期长的问题,本文设计了一种新型的负载能力较强的风力发电塔筒壁面攀爬设备。在研究总结当前壁面攀爬设备优缺点和风力发电塔筒的壁面特点的基础上,提出了攀爬平台的总体技术方案。依据选定的方案,建立了攀爬平台在不同状态下的数学模型,通过不同模型下的受力分析,得出了攀爬平台的失稳条件。对攀爬平台主要部件进行了受力分析,完成了攀爬平台的整体结构设计工作。鉴于攀爬车机架对整个攀爬平台的重要作用,在设计初期运用Hyperwork Opitstrust软件对其进行了多目标拓扑优化,去除了低效单元,得到了一款柔度相对较低,一阶模态相对较高能够满足使用要求的攀爬车机架结构,为以后进一步优化提供了参考依据。在给定设计空间内,对影响永磁吸盘磁吸附力大小的因素进行了深入的研究。运用ANSYS对永磁吸盘进行了有限元建模,分析了其在不同磁路和尺寸参数下磁吸附力的变化规律。设计出了一款在许用尺寸范围内吸附力最大的永磁吸盘。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of wind power generation, the installation and maintenance project of wind power equipment is increasing day by day. In order to solve the problem of high cost and long period in the process of wind power equipment maintenance and installation, In this paper, a new type of wind power tower wall climbing equipment with strong load capacity is designed. Based on the research and summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the current climbing equipment and the wall characteristics of the wind power tower, the overall technical scheme of the climbing platform is put forward. According to the selected scheme, the mathematical model of the climbing platform in different states is established, and the unstable condition of the climbing platform is obtained through the stress analysis under different models. The main components of the climbing platform are analyzed and the whole structure design of the platform is completed. In view of the important role of the climbing frame to the whole climbing platform, the multi-objective topology optimization is carried out by using Hyperwork Opitstrust software at the beginning of the design, and the inefficient unit is removed, and a relatively low flexibility is obtained. The relatively high first-order mode can meet the requirements of the climbing frame structure, which provides a reference for further optimization. In the given design space, the factors influencing the magnetic adsorption force of the permanent magnet sucker are studied in depth. The finite element model of permanent magnetic chuck was established by ANSYS, and the variation of magnetic adsorption force under different magnetic circuit and size parameters was analyzed. A permanent magnet sucker with the largest adsorption force in the allowable size range is designed.


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