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发布时间:2018-05-20 00:25

  本文选题:单相 + MPPT ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来“雾霾”、“PM2.5”、“口罩”等等有关空气质量的词频频出现在公众的视野中,环境污染问题正严重影响着人们的正常生活。而环境问题的产生与化石燃料等不可再生能源的利用息息相关,同时不可再生能源过度开采,使其资源储量迅速减少。现如今,能源的枯竭与环境问题已经引起当前政府的重视,一系列鼓励开发新能源的政策正逐步实施。针对光伏发电领域,发改委发布关于完善太阳能光伏发电上网补助电价政策的通知,为规范太阳能光伏发电价格管理,对非招标太阳能光伏发电项目实行全国统一的标杆上网电价。太阳能作为经济、清洁的新能源受到了人们前所未有的关注。为使太阳能转换为电能,光伏并网发电系统的研制则是不可缺少的一个环节。针对光伏电池转换效率低的问题,本文也是通过最大功率点跟踪控制算法来解决。先是分析了光伏电池的光伏特性,并从最大功率跟踪控制算法(MPPT)入手,对当前主流的控制算法展开研究,同时为了得到动态性能和稳定性能更优的功率输出结果,提出了一种改进的基于模糊控制的扰动观察法的方法,并做了仿真验证。为了保证逆变器正常工作的同时给电网提供电能质量更优的电能,必须设计性能良好的相位同步电路。在众多的相位同步方法中,锁相环因其良好的相位同步性能成为人们常用的一种相位同步技术。为了将锁相环技术应用到光伏并网发电系统中,本文对当前主流的软件锁相环算法进行研究,层层展开, 透彻分析了锁相环算法是如何实现的,并通过Matlab仿真软件进行了仿真验证。为了进一步通过DSP开发板进行软件锁相环实验验证,需将所提理论和DSP的开发环境相结合,从而引入了直流偏置问题。为了解决直流偏置问题对锁相环的影响,本文在对比分析了增加直流控制环法和减去直流分量法这两种去直流偏置的方法基础上,提出了改进的减去直流分量法,该方法更为简单且动态性能更加。并网逆变控制策略是实现光伏发电系统并网发电的关键技术之一, 本文采用当前主流的H6桥逆变结构、LCL滤波结构的逆变器,分析了其数学模型及存在的问题,提出基于准PR控制的三环控制策略来实现并网电流的控制。
[Abstract]:In recent years, "haze", "PM2.5", "mask" and other words about air quality frequently appear in the public view, environmental pollution is seriously affecting people's normal life. The environmental problems are closely related to the utilization of non-renewable energy such as fossil fuels, and the excessive exploitation of non-renewable energy causes the rapid reduction of the reserves of non-renewable energy. Nowadays, energy depletion and environmental problems have attracted the attention of the current government, and a series of policies to encourage the development of new energy are being implemented step by step. In the field of photovoltaic power generation, the Development and Reform Commission has issued a circular on perfecting the policy of subsidizing electricity prices for solar photovoltaic power generation to regulate the price management of solar photovoltaic power generation. For non-bid solar photovoltaic power generation project, the implementation of a national standard bar electricity price. Solar energy as an economy, clean new energy has received unprecedented attention. In order to convert solar energy into electric energy, the development of grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system is an indispensable link. In order to solve the problem of low conversion efficiency of photovoltaic cells, the maximum power point tracking control algorithm is also used in this paper. Firstly, the photovoltaic characteristics of photovoltaic cells are analyzed, and the current mainstream control algorithms are studied from the maximum power tracking control algorithm (MPPTT). At the same time, in order to obtain better power output results with better dynamic performance and stable performance, An improved method of disturbance observation based on fuzzy control is proposed and verified by simulation. In order to ensure the normal operation of the inverter and provide better power quality to the power grid, a phase synchronization circuit with good performance must be designed. Among the many phase synchronization methods, phase locked loop (PLL) has become a common phase synchronization technique because of its good phase synchronization. In order to apply phase-locked loop technology to photovoltaic grid-connected power generation system, this paper studies the current mainstream software phase-locked loop algorithm, layer by layer, thoroughly analyzes how to implement the phase-locked loop algorithm. The simulation results are verified by Matlab software. In order to further verify the software phase-locked loop (PLL) through DSP development board, it is necessary to combine the proposed theory with the development environment of DSP, thus the DC bias problem is introduced. In order to solve the effect of DC bias on phase-locked loop, this paper presents an improved subtraction DC component method based on the comparison and analysis of the two methods of increasing DC control loop and subtracting DC component. The method is simpler and more dynamic. Grid-connected inverter control strategy is one of the key technologies to realize grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system. In this paper, the current mainstream inverter with H6 bridge inverter structure and LCL filter structure is used to analyze its mathematical model and existing problems. A three-loop control strategy based on quasi-PR control is proposed to realize grid-connected current control.


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