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发布时间:2018-05-22 10:21

  本文选题:风光储系统 + 工程设计 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:风光储输工程是推进我国可再生能源大规模开发利用的一项重大工程。近年来风力发电、太阳能发电装机规模骤增,相比火电稳定电量的供给,风、光独立运行系统难以提供连续稳定的电力输出,会影响到电力系统的安全稳定运行。储能技术的发展为风力发电大规模并网及改善风力发电性能创造了一种有效途径。 本文通过为拟在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟正镶白旗乌宁巴图规划建设的风光储发电项目编制技术方案为题,对当地资源情况进行了详尽的分析,针对我国风力发电、光伏发电、储能和智能电网等领域的关键技术,设计了该项目风光储的配比方案及互补比例;在案例的设计中系统的分析了储能技术的现状、布置方案及运行模式;通过对风光储项目发电系统的设计、运行及控制模式以及风光互补控制器的应用模式的深入研究,对项目智能控制系统实施方案及管理模式进行了设计,确定了项目建设的可行性。
[Abstract]:The project of scenery storage and transportation is an important project to promote the large-scale development and utilization of renewable energy in China. In recent years, the scale of wind power generation and solar power installation has increased sharply. Compared with the power supply of thermal power stability, wind and light independent operation system is difficult to provide continuous and stable power output, which will affect the safe and stable operation of power system. The development of energy storage technology has created an effective way for large-scale grid connection of wind power generation and improvement of wind power generation performance. In this paper, the author makes a detailed analysis of the local resources for the preparation of the technical scheme of the wind-energy storage and power generation project to be planned and built in Wu-Ning Gbatu in Xilin Guolle League, Inner Mongolia, aiming at wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation in China. The key technologies in the field of energy storage and smart grid are designed, the matching scheme and complementary proportion of the project are designed, and the status quo, layout and operation mode of the energy storage technology are systematically analyzed in the design of the case. Through the deep research on the design, operation and control mode of the generation system and the application mode of the wind complementary controller, the implementation scheme and the management mode of the intelligent control system of the project are designed. The feasibility of project construction is determined.


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