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发布时间:2018-05-22 10:12

  本文选题:充电方法 + 马斯定律 ; 参考:《河北工业大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着能源问题和环境问题的形势日益严峻,低能耗的电动汽车成为汽车工业主要发展方向之一。但现有的电动汽车充电技术充电时间长和效率低的问题制约着电动汽车的发展,所以研究快速充电技术对促进电动汽车的发展十分重要。 论文介绍了铅酸蓄电池的电化学原理,分析了蓄电池充电过程中的极化现象和有关参数的变化特性,找到了阻碍蓄电池快速充电的原因。结合马斯定律,设计了变正脉冲宽度的正负脉冲充电方法,计算了正负脉冲的宽度。考虑到蓄电池离散性和非线性的特点,设计了蓄电池充电的模糊控制器,分别对模糊控制器的输入输出量、隶属函数和模糊控制规则进行了选取与设计;搭建了蓄电池充电的仿真模型,仿真结果表明了模糊控制的优越性。设计了蓄电池充电系统,系统主电路由半桥开关电源拓扑与双向DC/DC拓扑构成,,实现正负脉冲充电;计算并选择了主电路元器件的参数,设计了开关管IGBT的缓冲电路和高频变压器。控制电路实现蓄电池充电的检测与控制,设计了基于控制芯片PIC18F4520的IGBT的驱动电路、电压和电流采集电路、温度采集电路等。编写了相关软件,对主程序、A/D转换子程序、PWM子程序、模糊控制子程序、放电控制子程序进行了说明。 本论文对蓄电池快速充电技术进行了探索,所提出的充电方法缩短了电动汽车充电的时间,对蓄电池寿命损害小;设计了充电系统的主电路和控制电路,为研制高效的车载快速充电机提供了理论基础。
[Abstract]:With the increasingly serious situation of energy and environment problems, low-energy electric vehicles have become one of the main development directions of automobile industry. However, the problems of long charging time and low efficiency of the current charging technology of electric vehicles restrict the development of electric vehicles, so it is very important to study the rapid charging technology to promote the development of electric vehicles. In this paper, the electrochemical principle of lead-acid battery is introduced, the polarization phenomenon during battery charging and the change characteristics of related parameters are analyzed, and the reasons that hinder the rapid charging of battery are found out. A positive and negative pulse charging method with variable positive pulse width is designed and the width of positive and negative pulse is calculated. Considering the characteristics of battery discreteness and nonlinearity, the fuzzy controller for battery charging is designed. The input and output quantity, membership function and fuzzy control rule of fuzzy controller are selected and designed respectively. The simulation model of battery charging is built, and the simulation results show the superiority of fuzzy control. The battery charging system is designed. The main circuit of the system is composed of half-bridge switching power supply topology and bi-directional DC/DC topology to realize positive and negative pulse charging, and the parameters of main circuit components are calculated and selected. The snubber circuit and high frequency transformer of switch tube IGBT are designed. The control circuit realizes the detection and control of battery charging. The driving circuit, voltage and current acquisition circuit and temperature acquisition circuit of IGBT based on control chip PIC18F4520 are designed. The related software is written to explain the main program, such as PWM subroutine, fuzzy control subroutine and discharge control subroutine. In this paper, the rapid charging technology of battery is explored. The proposed charging method shortens the charging time of electric vehicle, and has little damage to battery life, and the main circuit and control circuit of charging system are designed. It provides a theoretical basis for the development of an efficient car-mounted fast charger.


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