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发布时间:2018-05-23 09:09

  本文选题:激光诱导击穿光谱 + 基体效应 ; 参考:《清华大学》2014年博士论文

[Abstract]:It is very important for power plant to improve operation efficiency, reduce pollution emission and improve safety of operation. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has the advantages of high detection speed, little need for sample preparation and multielement measurement at the same time, so it has great application potential in on-line coal quality detection. One of the key points to realize the application of LIBS in on-line coal quality detection lies in the accurate measurement of coal carbon content by LIBS. However, because the chemical composition and structure of coal are very complex, the measurement of carbon content in coal will be affected by complex matrix effect, which leads to the poor accuracy of the measurement. In this paper, the effect of matrix effect on the measurement of carbon content in coal by LIBS and its causes are studied. The results show that the change of volatile matter and ash content in coal is the main cause of matrix effect. When the content of volatile matter is high, the number of carbon atoms produced by ablation in plasma is low, which leads to the low intensity of the spectrum line of carbon atom. With the increase of ash content, the plasma temperature increases, which affects the intensity of carbon atom line. In this paper, the data processing method for eliminating the matrix effect of carbon content in coal measured by LIBS is studied. Firstly, a method of spectral standardization for spectral data preprocessing is established. In this method, the spectral line strength of carbon diatomic molecule (C2) and carbon nitrogen diatomic molecule (CN2) is compensated for the decrease of the intensity of the carbon atom line in the measurement of coal with high volatile content. For the compensated spectral line strength of the carbon atom, the influence of the total particle density, temperature and electron density of the plasma on it is eliminated by using the spectral data. Therefore, the accuracy and accuracy of LIBS measurement of coal carbon content are improved effectively. Then, a partial least square (PLS) calibration model based on spectral standardization is established. In this model, the main information of carbon content is extracted by the intensity of carbon atom spectral line after spectral standardization, and the residual error is corrected by PLS method, which makes the accuracy of the measurement of carbon content in coal further improved by LIBS. In this paper, the performance of the PLS calibration model based on spectral standardization is further improved by using the spatial limiting action method. Firstly, the spatiotemporal distribution of the radiation intensity of the plasma under the space limitation of different size cylindrical potholes is proved to be due to the interaction between the reflected shock wave and the ablative material vapor in the plasma. The experimental results show that when the diameter of the hole is moderate and the height of the hole is close to the height of the plasma, the cylindrical hole has the best effect of space restriction. Then, a cylindrical hole of moderate size is designed to measure the carbon content in coal. The results show that PLS calibration model based on spectral standardization can further improve the accuracy and accuracy of LIBS measurement of carbon content in coal.


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