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发布时间:2018-05-25 01:29

  本文选题:三相PWM整流器 + 电网不平衡 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Three-phase PWM rectifier has the advantages of DC voltage controllable, grid side current sinusoidal and unit power operation, etc. It is one of the hot research topics in power electronics field. Rectifier parallel operation can increase the redundancy of the system, improve the power output, very suitable for high power situations. But the rectifier parallel system will produce circulation, and in fact, the power network will often appear unbalanced state, these problems will lead to the grid side current imbalance, reduce load efficiency, In this paper, the AC side current instability and the parallel circulation problem of rectifier under the condition of unbalanced power network and parallel operation are studied. The development of PWM rectifier and its parallel control are reviewed by reviewing a large number of literatures at home and abroad. The working principle and circulation characteristics of three-phase PWM rectifier under unbalanced conditions and parallel operation are analyzed respectively. The mathematical model of rectifier in three-phase static coordinate system and rotating coordinate system, and the circulation mathematical model of rectifier parallel system are established. Based on the mathematical model, a double-closed loop control system of rectifier is established. In order to solve the problem that three-phase PWM rectifier will cause AC side current distortion in unbalanced state of power network, a parallel control method is proposed in this paper. Two rectifiers are used to control the rectifier under unbalanced conditions, and a group of rectifiers produce positive sequence current. The other group generates negative sequence current, and the capacity expansion and harmonic suppression of rectifier are realized by parallel control. In order to eliminate the influence of the circulation, a coordinated control strategy is proposed to suppress the negative sequence and zero sequence circulation between the rectifiers. The load power distribution is realized by controlling the positive sequence current component. The simulation model of three-phase PWM rectifier under unbalanced power network and parallel control is built with Matlab software, and the correctness of each control strategy in this paper is verified. Finally, combined with the theoretical derivation and simulation, the hardware parameters and models that meet the requirements of the experiment are determined, and the driving circuits and conditioning circuits are designed. The experimental platform is constructed with TMS320F2812DSP as the core. Design the software flow and compile the software program in C language in CCS compile software. Through the simulation analysis and experimental debugging, the PWM rectifier grid-side current and DC side voltage control under the condition of unbalanced power grid is well realized.


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