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发布时间:2018-05-26 08:37

  本文选题:盘式永磁调速器 + 有限元方法 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Permanent magnet governor is a new type of transmission device based on magnetic drive technology to realize torque transfer. The speed regulation is realized by adjusting the air gap in the structure, which has the advantages of no friction loss and no harmonics compared with the traditional speed regulation method. In order to deeply study the disc permanent magnet governor, it is necessary to establish its analytical model and speed regulation control system. In this paper, the structure and magnetic circuit of disc permanent magnet governor are designed, and the rationality of the design is verified by static magnetic field. In order to reduce the dissipation of magnetic field and increase the distribution of magnetic field in the device, the structural parameters of disc permanent magnet governor are optimized. The three dimensional transient simulation and analysis of magnetic field, eddy current and torque of the optimized disc permanent magnet governor are carried out. Secondly, a mathematical analytical model of magnetic field, torque and eddy current of disc permanent magnet governor is established based on the method of separating variables. The rationality and correctness of the mathematical model are verified by comparing with the simulation analysis. Based on the analysis of eddy current field, the problem of eddy current heating is discussed. This paper discusses the realization of disc permanent magnet governor, designs the disk permanent magnet speed regulation control system and selects DC torque motor as the control structure. Considering the requirement of real-time speed regulation, dual DC torque motor is used to improve the response speed. The control model of double DC torque motor is established. The ADRC control method and the application range of the second order ADRC controller are studied. A ADRC controller is designed to control the double DC torque motor on the speed control loop of the disc permanent magnet speed control system. The control effect of ADRC is simulated and analyzed by using Simulink platform. Two methods of position control loop design for ADRC controller are presented.


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