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发布时间:2018-05-26 09:36

  本文选题:电力能效监测系统 + PIC24FJ128GA310 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:在现代社会中,随着经济的持续发展,技术的不断进步,电能作为种经济、容易转换、安全并且实用的能源,已经成为了种最为广泛使用的能源。电能的发展和应用程度已经成为了评价个国家发展水平的重要标志之。近年来,我们对电能的依赖程度还在持续升高,但是与之相对的电力工业的发展在近年来也遇到了越来越多的问题,其中电能质量作为衡量电网运行情况的重要标志,与之相关的问题越来越受到重视。而为了提高供电质量,电力能效监测系统作为电网数据的采集终端具有不可替代的作用。近年来,建立智能电网的呼声越来越高,本文深入研究了电能监测装置的研究现状和工作原理,并完成了本智能电力能效监测系统的软、硬件设计,使其能实时监测电网的各相参数,为将来的智能电网打下基础。 本文在研究了大量文献和智能电力能效监测系统设计要求的基础上,分析了智能电力能效监测系统应该具有的功能与性能,提出了种分别构建基于PIC24FJ128GA310芯片的电能监测模块和基于STM32F103ZET6芯片的信息集中模块的方案,该方案通过信息集中模块与上位机通信响应上位机的命令,电能监测模块实时监测点或多点的电压、电流、功率、频率、功率因数等电量参数,然后响应信息集中模块的命令通过通信协议将数据传输给信息集中模块。该智能电力能效监测系统具有能同时实时测量多个监测点,成本低,,性能可靠,体积小等特点,通过信息集中模块和多个电能监测模块构成的智能电力能效监测系统,能监测单用户多个监测点的实时运行状态,从而让用户能够全面了解自己各设备和监测点的供用电状态。 基于该方案所设计的智能电力能效监测系统,具有良好的精确度、实时性和可靠性,并已通过现场测试并投入运行,测试与运行结果表明该装置具有良好的性价比,能满足现场的工程技术要求。
[Abstract]:In modern society, with the continuous development of economy and the continuous progress of technology, electric energy as a kind of economy, easy to convert, safe and practical energy, has become the most widely used energy. The development and application of electric energy has become an important symbol of evaluating the development level of each country. In recent years, our dependence on electric energy is still increasing, but the relative development of power industry has encountered more and more problems in recent years, among which power quality is an important symbol to measure the operation of power grid. More and more attention has been paid to the related problems. In order to improve the quality of power supply, the energy efficiency monitoring system can not be replaced as the data acquisition terminal. In recent years, the voice of establishing smart grid is more and more high. This paper deeply studies the research status and working principle of the power monitoring device, and completes the software and hardware design of the intelligent power energy efficiency monitoring system. It can monitor the phase parameters of the power grid in real time and lay the foundation for the future smart grid. Based on the study of a large number of literatures and the design requirements of intelligent power energy efficiency monitoring system, the functions and performance of intelligent power energy efficiency monitoring system are analyzed in this paper. This paper presents a scheme of building power monitoring module based on PIC24FJ128GA310 chip and information centralization module based on STM32F103ZET6 chip respectively. The scheme responds to the command of host computer by communicating with host computer through information centralization module. The power monitoring module monitors the parameters of voltage, current, power, frequency, power factor and so on in real time, and then transmits the data to the information centralization module by communication protocol in response to the command of the information centralization module. The intelligent power energy efficiency monitoring system has the characteristics of low cost, reliable performance and small volume, which can measure several monitoring points in real time at the same time. The intelligent power energy efficiency monitoring system is composed of centralized information module and multiple power monitoring modules. It can monitor the real-time running status of multiple monitoring points of a single user, so that the user can fully understand the state of power and supply of their own equipment and monitoring points. The intelligent power energy efficiency monitoring system based on this scheme has good accuracy, real-time and reliability, and has been tested and put into operation. The test and operation results show that the device has a good performance-price ratio. Can meet the site engineering technical requirements.


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