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发布时间:2018-05-27 11:08

  本文选题:变电站 + 自动巡视 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Substation inspection is an important guarantee for the safe operation of power system. So far, unattended substations mainly rely on manual driving to carry out tour. As the number of unattended substations with 220kV and below voltage levels increases rapidly in our country, it takes a lot of manpower to adopt this kind of manual patrol mode, and the economy is poor. With the rapid development of robot technology, automatic detection technology, data processing technology and communication technology, automatic inspection of substation using autonomous robot has become a development trend. Based on this, a substation orbit determination autonomous patrol robot system is proposed, and a comprehensive and in-depth study is carried out. Based on the analysis of the basic tasks and functional requirements of the substation orbit determination autonomous patrol robot, a new substation orbit determination autonomous patrol robot system is proposed and implemented in this paper. The system includes: autonomous robot, orbit determination system, robot cabin, communication system, remote monitoring terminal and autonomous charging related facilities. In this paper, the architecture, working mode, robot body structure, robot appearance, orbit determination system and robot cabin are introduced in detail. Furthermore, the paper studies the control method and realization technology of the robot's motion platform. A new tracking and locating method based on intermittent metal sheet orbit determination and eddy current sensor array is proposed. The control system of motion platform based on MAS is designed and implemented, and the monitoring software of remote monitoring terminal of motion platform is developed. The designed control system realizes the automatic control functions of starting and stopping, shifting, braking, throttle and steering. The robot motion control platform communicates with the remote monitoring terminal in real time through two parallel independent wireless channels, so that the control command of the remote monitoring terminal can be reliably issued to the robot. And can get accurate robot running state in time. Thirdly, the paper studies the multimedia monitoring platform and its realization technology of the autonomous patrol robot system of substation orbit determination. On the basis of expounding the system structure of multimedia monitoring platform, this paper introduces in detail the technical scheme of image monitoring system and audio monitoring system, and the realization technology of hardware and software. The power system of the robot is designed, and the autonomous charging problem of the robot is studied. The designed power supply system uses lead-acid battery as the power supply, adopts several DC/DC converters to carry on the voltage conversion, and has configured the battery residual quantity detection, the low power quantity alarm function and the battery short circuit protection function. Based on the analysis of the process of power supply insertion and pull-out by opponents, a method of automatic power supply docking using comb manipulator to realize automatic grab, insert and pull out of power plug is put forward. The field test shows that the autonomous inspection robot system of substation orbit determination has achieved the expected goal and the effect is good.


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