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发布时间:2018-05-28 12:45

  本文选题:马斯定律 + 快速充电 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:铅酸蓄电池因其结构简单、价格低廉、内阻较小以及启动性能好的优点,在汽车行业得到广泛的应用,尤其是随着电动汽车行业的不断发展。因此,对于铅酸蓄电池的维修保养以及充电方式的研究显得越来越重要。尤其是充电方式,在理论和技术上有待进一步提高。针对部队战备需要,对于实现批量快速充电的迫切性,本论文主要对铅酸蓄电池的快速充电问题进行了研究。在充分了解铅酸蓄电池电化学机理的基础上,结合马斯定律,通过对现有充电方式的比较分析,提出了切实可行的脉冲快速充电方案。然后设计开发了相应的充电电路、放电电路、电压电流检测电路等硬件电路,并利用Keil uVision3开发软件进行C语言程序编制,开发出快速充电控制系统,以实现系统充电全过程的在线监测及状态参数的自动控制。所开发的快速充电控制系统实用性强,对于部队具有一定的战备价值,同时具有广泛的市场推广价值。本文中在对脉冲快速充电曲线各相关参量意义进行系统理论分析的基础上,初步建立了脉冲快速充电的理论模型,通过一定数量的实验数据对比研究,得到较为理想的快速充电实验模型,最后对影响充电效率的正脉冲脉宽、负脉冲脉宽、前停歇时间和后停歇时间等主要参数进一步优化,从而建立了最终的脉冲快速充电理论模型,在此基础上进行大量的实验分析、验证,大幅度提高了充电效率,采用的“分阶段脉冲快速充电方式”相对部队常规充电效率至少提高一倍,实现了快速充电。同时,基于现有文献资料以及经验的基础上,分析研究了蓄电池常见的故障种类、产生机理,并就主要的硫化故障进行了深入研究,制定了在线监测实施方案,并通过实验验证,证明了分阶段脉冲快速充电对于硫化故障具有一定的修复作用。
[Abstract]:Lead acid battery has been widely used in automobile industry because of its simple structure, low price, low internal resistance and good starting performance, especially with the continuous development of electric vehicle industry. Therefore, it is more and more important to study the maintenance and charging methods of lead-acid batteries. In particular, the charging method needs to be further improved in theory and technology. In order to meet the need of military combat readiness and to realize the urgency of batch rapid charging, this paper mainly studies the rapid charging of lead-acid batteries. On the basis of fully understanding the electrochemical mechanism of lead-acid batteries and combining with Maas's law, a feasible scheme of pulse rapid charging is put forward by comparing and analyzing the current charging methods. Then design and develop the corresponding charging circuit, discharge circuit, voltage and current detection circuit and other hardware circuits, and use the Keil uVision3 development software for C language programming, develop a rapid charging control system. In order to realize the on-line monitoring of the whole process of charging and the automatic control of the state parameters. The developed fast charging control system has strong practicability, which has certain combat readiness value for the army, and has extensive market value at the same time. In this paper, the theoretical model of pulse rapid charging is established on the basis of systematic theoretical analysis of the significance of the parameters of pulse rapid charging curve, and a certain number of experimental data are compared and studied. An ideal fast charging experimental model is obtained. Finally, the main parameters such as positive pulse width, negative pulse width, front pause time and afterrest time, which affect the charging efficiency, are further optimized. Thus, the final theoretical model of pulse rapid charging is established. On this basis, a large number of experiments are carried out to verify that the charging efficiency is greatly improved. Compared with the conventional charging efficiency, the phased pulse fast charging method has been used to improve the efficiency of the conventional charging at least twice, thus realizing the rapid charging. At the same time, based on the existing literature and experience, the common fault types and mechanism of battery are analyzed and studied, and the main vulcanization faults are deeply studied, and the implementation scheme of on-line monitoring is established. It is proved by experiment that the rapid charging of stage pulse has a certain effect on repairing the fault of vulcanization.


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