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发布时间:2018-05-29 22:01

  本文选题:风力发电 + 双馈异步发电机 ; 参考:《山东大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着社会的不断发展,能源的消耗也在不断加剧,传统能源正逐步枯竭,以可再生能源为代表的新能源在电力系统中所占的比重越来越大。风力发电作为新能源发电技术中最成熟、最易大规模开发、最具商业发展前景的发电方式,越来越受到世界各国的关注。但是,由于风能的间歇性、随机性和不可调控性等特点,伴随着风电产业的不断发展和并网总装机容量的不断增大,风电并网对电力系统的安全稳定运行和电压稳定性的影响越来越突出。因此对风电并网的影响进行研究是十分必要的。 但是由于风力发电系统复杂的结构和多样化的控制方式,大规模风电的并网会对系统各方面都有影响,主要体现在对系统暂态的影响和静态的影响。本文主要研究风电并网对系统电压的影响,在风力发电机并网运行的动态特性和静态电压稳定性方面做了以下工作: 首先,在充分了解风力发电机的结构和分类后,选取双馈风力发电机作为研究对象。在对双馈风力发电系统工作原理和各个部分的数学模型进行深入研究的基础上,在MATLAB SIMULINK中分别建立了不同的模型风速和风速的组合模型、双馈风力发电场模型和双馈风力发电场并网模型,以及完整的双馈风力发电场并网动态模型。 其次,本文根据所建立的双馈风力发电场并网动态模型进行仿真,分析了双馈风力发电机组在正常运行状态、风速超过额定状态和电网线路发生接地短路故障时的电网电压等动态响应特性,分析在不同情况下,双馈风力发电机并网对电力系统暂态电压的影响;并验证了双馈风力发电机组在三相接地短路故障时的低电压穿越能力。 最后,对含双馈风力发电系统的电网静态电压稳定性分析方法进行了详细比较,结合常规电力系统潮流计算方法,确定了含双馈风力发电系统的电网潮流计算方法。根据所建立双馈风力发电场模型中风速和功率的关系,对含有风电场的EPRJ-36节点算例进行潮流运算,并在此基础上进行电压稳定性计算,通过灵敏度和稳定裕度分析方法对系统电压稳定性问题进行了分析研究。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of society, energy consumption is also increasing, traditional energy is gradually depleted, renewable energy as the representative of the new energy in the power system accounts for more and more proportion. Wind power generation, as the most mature, easy to develop on a large scale and the most commercial power generation method in the new energy generation technology, has been paid more and more attention by the countries all over the world. However, due to the intermittent, stochastic and uncontrollable characteristics of wind energy, with the continuous development of wind power industry and the continuous increase of the total installed capacity of grid, The influence of wind power grid connection on the safe and stable operation and voltage stability of power system is becoming more and more prominent. Therefore, it is necessary to study the influence of wind power grid connection. However, due to the complex structure and diversified control methods of wind power system, large-scale wind power grid connection will have an impact on all aspects of the system, mainly reflected in the transient and static impact of the system. In this paper, the influence of wind power grid connection on system voltage is studied, and the following work is done on the dynamic characteristics and static voltage stability of wind turbine grid-connected operation: Firstly, after fully understanding the structure and classification of wind turbine, the doubly-fed wind turbine is selected as the research object. On the basis of deeply studying the working principle and mathematical models of each part of doubly-fed wind power generation system, different wind speed and wind speed combination models are established in MATLAB SIMULINK. The model of doubly-fed wind farm, the grid-connected model of doubly-fed wind farm and the complete grid-connected dynamic model of doubly-fed wind farm are presented. Secondly, according to the dynamic model of grid-connected doubly-fed wind farm, the paper analyzes the normal operation state of doubly-fed wind turbine. The dynamic response characteristics such as the wind speed exceeding the rated state and the power grid voltage when the power line ground short circuit fault occur are analyzed. The influence of grid-connected doubly-fed wind turbine on the transient voltage of the power system is analyzed under different conditions. The low voltage traversing ability of doubly-fed wind turbine in three phase earthing short circuit fault is verified. Finally, the static voltage stability analysis method of wind power system with doubly-fed power system is compared in detail. Combined with the conventional power flow calculation method, the power flow calculation method of wind power system with doubly-fed wind power system is determined. According to the relationship between wind speed and power in the model of doubly-fed wind farm, the power flow calculation of EPRJ-36 node with wind farm is carried out, and the voltage stability is calculated on this basis. The voltage stability of the system is studied by sensitivity and stability margin analysis.


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