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发布时间:2018-06-01 23:45

  本文选题:紧急功率支援 + 阶梯上升 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来我国直流工程越来越多,电网结构也越来越复杂。直流输电线路的增多一方面给系统的安全稳定带来新的考验,一方面也为系统故障下的紧急控制提供了新的思路。如何利用直流紧急控制快速、经济的优势来改善故障情况下系统的稳定性,多回直流间如何协调动作以达到较好的控制效果成为亟需研究的关键技术问题。 直流系统的紧急控制一般通过紧急功率支援功能来实现。针对现有紧急功率支援技术参数整定困难、难以适应不同运行工况变化的问题,本文在传统紧急功率支援模块的基础上做了改进。将功率提升方式由斜坡上升改为阶梯式,通过反馈直流功率信号和换流站交流母线电压信号,利用最大功率判据和电压幅值判据来确定紧急功率支援的幅值,给出了控制参数的整定方法以及控制器参数的优化方法。然后设计了多回直流系统紧急功率转移控制器,在阶梯式功率提升控制器的基础上,加入变阶梯分段功率提升控制,根据反馈信号来确定控制器的提升速率以及各条直流线路功率提升量。该功率转移策略能够根据外界运行条件自适应确定各直流系统紧急功率支援的幅值,在充分利用直流输电能力的同时使交流母线电压保持在合理水平。
[Abstract]:In recent years, there are more and more DC projects in China, and the structure of the power grid is becoming more and more complex. The increase of the DC transmission line brings new test to the security and stability of the system. On the one hand, it also provides a new idea for the emergency control under the system fault. How to use the fast speed of direct current control and the advantage of the economy to improve the system under the fault condition How to coordinate the operation of multi return DC to achieve better control effect has become a key technical problem.
The emergency control of the DC system is usually realized through the emergency power support function. In view of the difficulties of the existing emergency power support technical parameters, it is difficult to adapt to the change of different operating conditions. In this paper, the traditional emergency power support module is improved on the basis of the traditional emergency power support module. Feedforward DC power signal and converter station AC bus voltage signal, using the maximum power criterion and voltage amplitude criterion to determine the amplitude of emergency power support. The tuning method of control parameters and the optimization method of controller parameters are given. Then a multi return DC system tight power transfer controller is designed, and the step type power upgrading is designed. On the basis of the controller, the variable step piecewise power lifting control is added to determine the speed of the controller's lifting and the power increase of each DC line according to the feedback signal. The power transfer strategy can adaptively determine the amplitude of the emergency power support of each DC system according to the external operating conditions, and make full use of the power transmission capacity of the DC system. At the same time, the voltage of the AC busbar is kept at a reasonable level.


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