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发布时间:2018-06-02 04:03

  本文选题:变电站项目 + 进度管理 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:目前,我国变电站项目建设正处于高速发展时期,项目建设管理模式也由原来的专业管理模式转变为项目管理模式。在电力建设工程管理中,工程的质量管理、进度管理、投资管理与安全管理被视为工程管理的四大主要方面。变电站工程建设的项目进度管理成为电网企业重点关注的问题,工程能否按期竣工投产不仅关系到工程能否按时发挥企业经济效益,还关系服务国民经济。电力工程建设的管理要求越发严格,需要在电力工程建设中,运用项目进度管理的方法,指导项目进度计划的编制与落实,保证电力项目按时按质完成。 本文分析了国内、外项目进度管理理论的研究现状;介绍进度管理相关基础理论和方法,结合变电站工程建设管理特点,重新界定了进度管理流程;对变电站工程实施进度全过程项目前期、工程前期、工程建设三个阶段的影响因素进行了分析,并建立了评价指标体系;基于AHP—模糊综合评价方法构建了变电站建设项目全过程进度管理评价模型,,得到进度管理的综合量化方法,并提出了变电站工程进度管理控制对策;以中钢220kV变电站工程建设为例,运用WBS和甘特图进行了该工程进度计划编制;分析了该工程各个阶段的进度影响因素,运用所建立的指标和模型综合评价了该工程进度管理工作的水平和有效性,通过评价结果分析该工程进度管理中的问题和薄弱环节,对工程进度管理过程中存在的问题提出了控制措施和对策,为以后类似项目的进度管理提供了值得借鉴的依据。
[Abstract]:At present, substation project construction in China is in a period of rapid development, project construction management mode has also changed from the original professional management mode to the project management mode. In the management of electric power construction project, the quality management, schedule management, investment management and safety management of the project are regarded as the four main aspects of the project management. The project schedule management of substation construction has become an important issue for power grid enterprises. Whether the project can be completed or put into operation on time is not only related to the economic benefits of the enterprise, but also related to serving the national economy. The management requirements of electric power engineering construction are more and more strict. It is necessary to use the method of project schedule management to guide the compilation and implementation of the project schedule in order to ensure that the power project is completed on time and according to the quality. This paper analyzes the current situation of domestic and foreign project schedule management theory, introduces the basic theories and methods of schedule management, and redefines the schedule management process according to the characteristics of substation construction management. This paper analyzes the influencing factors of the three stages of the substation project in the early stage of the whole process of the implementation of the substation project, and establishes the evaluation index system. Based on AHP- fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the evaluation model of schedule management in the whole process of substation construction project is constructed, and the comprehensive quantitative method of schedule management is obtained, and the countermeasures of schedule management and control of substation project are put forward. Taking the construction of 220kV substation in Sinosteel as an example, the progress plan of the project is compiled by using WBS and Gantt diagram, and the influencing factors of the progress of each stage of the project are analyzed. The level and effectiveness of the project schedule management are comprehensively evaluated by using the established indicators and models, and the problems and weaknesses in the project schedule management are analyzed through the evaluation results. This paper puts forward the control measures and countermeasures for the problems existing in the process of project schedule management, which provides a reference basis for the schedule management of similar projects in the future.


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