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发布时间:2018-06-02 10:55

  本文选题:电流互感器 + 暂态饱和 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着电力建设的快速推进,电网逐渐发展成为规模大、结构复杂、运行方式灵活的复杂电网,其暂态过程的复杂多样性,对保护用电流互感器的性能提出了更高的要求。暂态过程中电流互感器饱和是导致差动保护误动的主要原因之一,而差动保护通常是电力系统设备的主保护,其误动可能对设备本身安全和系统稳定运行构成严重危害。由于影响互感器饱和的因素众多,,如一次系统短路时的短路电流水平、非周期分量大小及衰减时长,空合变压器时所产生的励磁涌流及和应涌流的大小、衰减速率和负荷水平,电流互感器铁芯结构、材料及二次负载阻抗大小等,这些因素很难通过动模试验一一考验。因此,研究电流互感器的仿真技术,开发适用于复杂电网电磁暂态过程的电流互感器分析评估平台,对合理进行电流互感器选型、正确评估其暂态饱和特性具有重要的现实意义和工程应用价值。 电流互感器分析评估平台的开发离不开对铁芯特性的准确建模。对比了在铁磁材料建模领域应用广泛的J-A和Lucas模型,选择精度更高的J-A模型作为电流互感器仿真模型,并提出了一种新的J-A模型参数辨识方法。 基于VB.NET编程开发了电流互感器分析评估平台。为了模拟复杂电网电磁暂态过程,在分析评估平台中灵活组态构建了通用的一次系统模型,给出了电流互感器性能评估指标。 电流互感器分析评估平台的有效性需经由动模试验验证。通过对比动模试验与仿真结果,验证了电流互感器分析评估平台可以准确有效地模拟复杂电网暂态过程中的电流互感器饱和特性。将所开发的分析评估平台应用于一起由电流互感器饱和引起的差动保护误动事故分析中,起到了良好的效果。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of power construction, the power grid has gradually developed into a complex power grid with large scale, complex structure and flexible operation mode. The complexity and diversity of its transient process require higher performance of current transformers for protection. The saturation of current transformer is one of the main reasons for the maloperation of differential protection, and differential protection is usually the main protection of power system equipment, which may cause serious harm to the safety of the equipment itself and the stable operation of the system. Because there are many factors that affect the saturation of transformer, such as the level of short-circuit current, the size of aperiodic component and the time of attenuation, the magnitude of inrush current and inrush current, the attenuation rate and load level, The core structure, material and secondary load impedance of current transformer are difficult to be tested by dynamic model test. Therefore, the simulation technology of current transformer is studied, and the analysis and evaluation platform of current transformer is developed, which is suitable for the electromagnetic transient process of complex power network, and the selection of current transformer is carried out reasonably. It has important practical significance and engineering application value to evaluate its transient saturation characteristics correctly. The development of current transformer analysis and evaluation platform is inseparable from the accurate modeling of iron core characteristics. The J-A model and the Lucas model which are widely used in ferromagnetic material modeling are compared. The J-A model with higher precision is selected as the simulation model of current transformer. A new parameter identification method for J-A model is proposed. The analysis and evaluation platform of current transformer is developed based on VB.NET. In order to simulate the electromagnetic transient process of complex power network, a general primary system model is constructed with flexible configuration in the analysis and evaluation platform, and the performance evaluation index of current transformer is given. The validity of the current transformer analysis and evaluation platform needs to be verified by dynamic model test. By comparing the dynamic model test with the simulation results, it is verified that the current transformer analysis and evaluation platform can accurately and effectively simulate the saturation characteristics of the current transformer in the transient process of complex power network. The developed analysis and evaluation platform is applied to the maloperation accident analysis of differential protection caused by the saturation of current transformer.


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