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发布时间:2018-06-03 09:19

  本文选题:分布式能源发电 + 配电网 ; 参考:《西安科技大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The access of distributed energy generation can not be ignored in many aspects, such as power quality, line loss and relay protection. Aiming at the influence of distributed energy generation on distribution network relay protection, this paper designs a distribution network line protection scheme with distributed energy generation. One of the distributed energy generation systems is selected as an example to analyze the influence of the distributed energy generation on each part of the distribution network. The distributed energy generation system divides the original distribution network into three parts. Different protection schemes are made for the influence of distributed energy generation on the distribution network. Since distributed energy generation has a certain effect on the fault current of each part after it is put into operation, two sets of different protection settings are set up for whether the distributed energy generation is in operation or not. In this study, the traditional three-stage current protection is used as the basic principle, and the protection criterion is adjusted appropriately to play a protective role in any fault situation. In order to solve the problem that the traditional three-segment current protection has no protection range under some fault types, this paper uses the positive sequence component, the negative sequence component and the zero sequence component of the fault current to constitute the protection criterion, which can occur three-phase fault in the line. Both two phase short circuit and ground fault have certain protection range, which can reduce the effect of fault type interference. The PSCAD software is used to model and verify the simulation. The proposed protection strategy can reliably operate and remove the faults in the distribution network with distributed energy generation.


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