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发布时间:2018-06-04 04:54

  本文选题:电池储能 + 功率调节系统 ; 参考:《合肥工业大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:储能既可作为发电单元又可作为负荷单元,独特的双向调节性能将使其在可再生能源发电消纳中发挥重要作用。本文以电池储能为研究对象,基于现阶段电池系统的构建技术水平,采用VSC模块并联型功率调节系统作为电池储能系统并网接口,重点研究功率调节系统的拓扑控制及储能运行策略,主要内容如下: (1)广泛收集整理了国内外有代表性的储能技术文献,归纳了典型储能技术的基本原理、发展现状和需要突破的关键技术等。总结了储能技术在传统电力系统和新能源发电集成中的应用模式。结合电池储能系统的配置方式、电池系统、功率调节系统和系统集成等关键技术,探讨了面向可再生能源发电的大容量电池储能系统构建方案。 (2)考虑并网隔离变压器影响,建立了功率调节系统在两相坐标系下的线性动态模型,揭示了变压器对并网功率调节系统性能的影响。重点对比分析了3种典型坐标系下的线性电流控制策略,揭示了dq坐标系PI控制的本质及其与αβ坐标系PR控制的关联;基于传递函数模型对3种坐标系下控制的稳态误差、动态响应、抗扰动性能进行了详细分析。给出了PR调节器具有频率适应性的数字化实现方案,提高了调节器对电网频率变化的适应性。 (3)通过建立不同坐标系下模块间环流的线性动态模型,揭示了环流产生的机理。基于双傅里叶分析建立了变流器模块PWM调制输出电压、电流的频谱模型,通过建立的频谱模型研究了模块间载波交错运行对功率调节系统共模电压、并联电流和模块间环流的影响,揭示了载波交错运行能够消除并网电流谐波,提高等效开关频率的本质原因。推导论证了环流分布式控制规律和结构的可行性,提出了一种基于分布式结构的高低频复合环流抑制策略。 (4)采用阻抗建模技术和电路网络分析方法建立了功率调节系统的集中等效电路模型,引入互联阻抗比概念,从等效开环传递函数角度借助奈奎斯特判据研究了功率调节系统和电网互联系统的交互稳定性问题。在功率调节系统和电网互联系统交互稳定性分析的基础上,进一步借助电路串并联谐振概念分析了多VSC模块间、VSC模块和电网间的谐波交互作用,揭示了模块间形成谐波交互的潜在原因。从输入导纳的角度对并网VSC控制策略进行设计,提出采用多陷波器组的电网电压前馈方案,提高了功率调节系统和电网互联系统的交互稳定性和稳态性能。 (5)以配合可再生能源发电的储能应用为背景,给出了电池储能PCS平滑出力波动的控制策略。分析了电网电压不对称对功率调节系统并网控制策略相关环节的影响,提出采用线电压检测的对称分量提取与锁相环技术,以对称电流控制作为并网控制目标,增强了功率调节系统在电网电压弱不对称条件下的运行能力。提出了电网电压对称/不对称跌落条件下储能功率调节系统的统一电压支撑策略,兼顾正序、负序无功补偿;通过限流环节的设计,实现正负序电流的合理分配,避免了功率调节系统过流而触发保护停机,优化了功率调节系统无功容量利用率。 (6)搭建了配合可再生能源发电的电池储能系统实验平台。设计了基于以太网为主干的系统网络结构,采用套接字Socket开发了相关通讯软件,实现了设备间的信息交互。研制了基于两VSC模块并联的功率调节系统实验样机,编写了硬件底层驱动程序和控制策略软件,对PCS相关控制策略的有效性进行了实验测试。
[Abstract]:Energy storage can be used not only as power generation unit but also as load unit. The unique bidirectional regulation performance will make it play an important role in renewable energy generation and dissipation. This paper takes battery energy storage as the research object. Based on the technical level of current battery system construction, VSC module and combined power regulation system are used as battery energy storage system. Network interface, focusing on the topology control and energy storage operation strategy of power conditioning system. The main contents are as follows:
(1) the representative energy storage technology literature at home and abroad is collated, the basic principle of the typical energy storage technology, the development status and the key technologies which need to be broken are summarized. The application mode of the energy storage technology in the traditional power system and the new energy generation integration is summarized. The key technologies of rate regulation system and system integration are discussed, and the construction scheme of large capacity battery energy storage system for renewable energy power generation is discussed.
(2) considering the influence of grid connected isolation transformer, the linear dynamic model of power regulation system in two phase coordinate system is established, and the influence of transformer on the performance of grid connected power regulation system is revealed. The linear current control strategy under 3 typical coordinate systems is compared and analyzed. The essence of the dq coordinate system PI control and its alpha beta coordinate system P are revealed. Based on the transfer function model, the steady-state error, dynamic response and anti disturbance performance of the 3 coordinate systems are analyzed in detail based on the transfer function model. The digital realization scheme of the frequency adaption of the PR regulator is given, which improves the adaptability of the regulator to the change of the frequency of the power grid.
(3) through the establishment of a linear dynamic model of the circulation between modules in different coordinate systems, the mechanism of the circulation is revealed. Based on the dual Fourier analysis, the output voltage of the converter module PWM modulation output voltage, the current spectrum model are established, and the common mode voltage of the power regulation system is studied by the established spectrum model, and the parallel electric power is connected to the power regulation system. The influence of the flow and the circulation between the modules reveals the essential reason that the carrier interlacing can eliminate the harmonics of the grid current and improve the equivalent switching frequency. The feasibility of the distributed control law and structure of the circulation is deduced, and a high frequency complex circulation suppression strategy based on the distributed structure is proposed.
(4) a centralized equivalent circuit model of power regulation system is established by means of impedance modeling and circuit network analysis, and the concept of interconnected impedance ratio is introduced. The interaction stability of power regulation system and power grid interconnected system is studied with the help of Nyquist criterion from the angle of equivalent open loop transfer function. On the basis of the interaction stability analysis of the interconnected system, the harmonic interaction between the multiple VSC modules, the VSC module and the power grid is analyzed by means of the concept of serial parallel resonance. The potential reasons for the formation of harmonic interaction among the modules are revealed. The control strategy of the grid connected VSC is designed from the angle of input admittance, and the multi trap group is proposed. The grid voltage feedforward scheme improves the interactive stability and steady-state performance of the power conditioning system and the power grid interconnection system.
(5) in order to match the energy storage application of renewable energy generation, the control strategy of the smooth output fluctuation of the battery energy storage PCS is given. The influence of the voltage asymmetry on the grid connected control strategy of the power regulation system is analyzed. The symmetrical partial extraction and phase-locked loop technology which adopts the line voltage detection is proposed, and the symmetrical current control is made by the symmetrical current control. In order to control the target and enhance the operation ability of the power regulation system under the condition of weak and asymmetrical voltage of the power grid, a unified voltage support strategy for the energy storage power regulation system under the condition of voltage symmetry / dissymmetry of the power grid is proposed, which takes both positive sequence and negative sequence reactive compensation into consideration, and the reasonable and negative sequence current is realized through the design of the current limiting link. The allocation avoids the power regulating system from overcurrent and triggers the protection and shutdown, and optimizes the utilization rate of reactive power capacity of the power regulation system.
(6) the experimental platform of battery energy storage system with renewable energy is set up. A system network structure based on Ethernet is designed. The related communication software is developed with socket Socket and the information interaction between equipment is realized. An experimental prototype of power regulation system based on the parallel two VSC module is developed, and the hardware bottom is written. The driver and control strategy software is used to test the effectiveness of the PCS related control strategy.


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6 韩,




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