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发布时间:2018-06-06 23:01

  本文选题:APF + 开关损耗 ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the upgrading of harmonic pollution in power network, active power filter (APF) has become a hotspot in harmonic control. The advantages and disadvantages of harmonic control algorithm and switching loss of active power filter (APF) have gradually become the key to its performance. Aiming at the above two problems, this paper presents an active power filter control algorithm based on virtual impedance technology and a modulation strategy for minimum switching loss, which can effectively reduce the complexity of the control algorithm and the switching loss of IGBT. In this paper, the three-phase three-wire shunt voltage active power filter is studied. In the first chapter, a large number of literatures on active power filter (APF) algorithm and switching loss are reviewed. On the basis of understanding the current situation of active power filter (APF), chapter 2 studies the topology and working principle of APF. In this paper, the topology of voltage-sensorless APF based on virtual impedance technology is proposed, and the mathematical model of voltage-sensorless APF is given, and the characteristics of existing voltage-free and current-free control strategies are studied. Based on the analysis of the second chapter, the advantages and disadvantages of the existing direct and indirect control techniques of active power filter are summarized in chapter 3, and the application principle of virtual impedance in inverter, power supply and microgrid is discussed. An active power filter control algorithm based on virtual impedance technology is presented in this paper. At the end of chapter 3, simulation based on MATLAB/Simulink is carried out. The simulation results show that the proposed control algorithm can meet the requirements of harmonic control, and has lower carrier frequency and higher power factor. In chapter 4, aiming at the problem of high switching loss of APF, the traditional single DPWM algorithm can not achieve optimal control of switching loss for different inverter power factors. In order to realize the PWM modulation rule of optimal switching loss, a DPWM modulation strategy with minimum switching loss is adopted in this paper. At the end of chapter 4, the simulation experiment of this DPWM strategy is given. The simulation results show that the DPWM strategy can reduce the switching loss and frequency of the inverter optimally without affecting the compensation effect. At the end of the paper, the parameters of the main hardware circuit and the control circuit are designed according to the structure and algorithm of the active power filter, and the software algorithm is designed based on the mixed programming method of Simulink and C language. At the end of chapter 5, the experimental waveform and data are analyzed. The experimental results show that the prototype can effectively accomplish harmonic control and realize the function of design.


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