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发布时间:2018-06-09 06:05

  本文选题:核电产业 + 协同创新绩效 ; 参考:《南华大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:核电产业作为我国的战略性新兴产业,,科技创新能力的强弱直接关系到其发展速度与前景,也关系到我国经济未来的核心竞争力。在我国当前经济的快速发展及能源供应日益紧张的情形下,核电作为清洁能源以及技术的成熟,正好能够满足国家对能源与环境的迫切要求。同时我国拥有着发展核电产业的市场优势,政府也鼓励核电产业的发展,不过现阶段我国核电产业的创新能力不强,技术不够先进,因而如何增强核电产业的协同创新能力,提高他们的协同创新绩效就具有重要的理论与现实意义。 本研究以核电产业协同创新绩效影响因素为主题,探讨如何通过关键的影响因素去提高核电产业的协同创新绩效。全文研究的内容共分为三大部分:理论部分、实证研究、对策。 理论部分:对国内外学者关于协同创新绩效评价及产业协同创新绩效影响因素的研究进行了梳理,从而在吸取前人研究成果的基础上,并且结合我国核电产业的发展现状以及协同创新的特点,提出了从战略协同、组织协同、信息协同与政策因素四个维度来研究核电产业的协同创新绩效,从而进一步提出了本文的研究假设与研究模型,即战略协同、组织协同、信息协同及政策因素都对协同创新绩效、协同创新效益和协同创新效率有正向的促进作用以及核电产业协同创新绩效影响因素的理论模型。 实证部分:首先通过对我国典型的核电企业进行实地访谈与问卷调查得到一手的数据。然后通过SPSS19.0管理统计软件对所得来的数据进行可靠性检验、相关分析、因子分析与回归分析等,从而识别出关键的影响因素,其中对核电产业协同创新绩效影响最大的是政策因素,其次是信息协同,再次是战略协同,最后是组织协同。 对策:根据实证部分所得出的结论,本文从政策层面、信息层面、战略层面与组织层面提出了提升我国核电产业协同创新绩效的若干建议与对策。
[Abstract]:Nuclear power industry as a strategic emerging industry in China, the strength of scientific and technological innovation ability directly related to its development speed and prospects, but also related to the core competitiveness of our economy in the future. With the rapid development of economy and the shortage of energy supply, nuclear power, as a clean energy and technology, can meet the urgent requirements of energy and environment. At the same time, our country has the market advantage of developing nuclear power industry, and the government also encourages the development of nuclear power industry. However, at present, the innovation ability of nuclear power industry in China is not strong and the technology is not advanced enough, so how to enhance the cooperative innovation ability of nuclear power industry. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to improve their collaborative innovation performance. This study focuses on the influencing factors of cooperative innovation performance of nuclear power industry and discusses how to improve the cooperative innovation performance of nuclear power industry through key factors. The content of this paper is divided into three parts: theoretical part, empirical research, countermeasures. Theoretical part: the domestic and foreign scholars on the performance evaluation of collaborative innovation and the factors affecting the performance of industrial collaborative innovation are sorted out. Therefore, on the basis of absorbing the previous research results, and combining the current situation of nuclear power industry development and the characteristics of collaborative innovation in China, the paper puts forward the strategic coordination, organizational coordination, Four dimensions of information synergy and policy factors are used to study the collaborative innovation performance of nuclear power industry, and the research hypotheses and research models of this paper, namely strategic synergy, organizational synergy, are put forward. Information synergy and policy factors both contribute to collaborative innovation performance, The theoretical model of synergistic innovation benefit and synergistic innovation efficiency and the influencing factors of cooperative innovation performance of nuclear power industry. Empirical part: firstly, through field interviews and questions to typical nuclear power enterprises in our country The volume survey yielded the first hand of the data. Then through SPSS 19.0 management statistical software to the data from reliability test, correlation analysis, factor analysis and regression analysis, and identify the key factors, Among them, the biggest impact on the performance of collaborative innovation of nuclear power industry is policy factors, followed by information coordination, strategic coordination, and finally organizational coordination. Countermeasures: according to the conclusions of the empirical part, this paper from the policy level, the information level. At the strategic and organizational level, some suggestions and countermeasures are put forward to improve the cooperative innovation performance of China's nuclear power industry.


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