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发布时间:2018-06-10 17:05

  本文选题:AP + 非LOCA ; 参考:《核动力工程》2015年06期

【摘要】:为验证三代核电AP1000核电厂在非LOCA事故工况下,启动给水补给性能是否满足衰变热排出的纵深防御准则,保守认为事故发生后,反应堆停堆,厂用电及外电网丧失,主给水丧失,凝汽器热阱丧失,蒸汽发生器背压为安全阀最低整定压力,蒸汽发生器与启动给水泵均为单列可用。首先,验证凝结水储箱处于最低液位时,启动给水的最低补给能力能否满足不小于118.1 m3/h的准则要求;其次,论证事故后由于备用交流电源加载滞后而导致启动给水延后140 s投运,蒸汽发生器依靠自身缓冲水装量能否带走衰变热而不触发专设安全系统;再次,论证140 s后启动给水最低补给流量,能否稳定蒸汽发生器液位并使其回升;最后,验证凝结水储箱纵深防御水装量能否满足启动给水24 h连续补给的准则要求。本文通过对启动给水最低补给流量、蒸汽发生器缓冲水装量、启动给水液位控制,以及凝结水储箱水装量的保守计算分析,验证了AP1000启动给水在非失水事故(Non-LOCA)事故下衰变热排出功能设计的可靠性以及与纵深防御准则的一致性。
[Abstract]:In order to verify whether the recharge performance of AP1000 nuclear power plant under non-LOCA accident conditions meets the criterion of deep defense of decay heat emission, it is considered that after the accident, reactor shutdown, loss of power supply and external power network, loss of main feed water, The condenser heat trap is lost, the back pressure of the steam generator is the lowest setting pressure of the safety valve, and the steam generator and the starting feed pump are both available in single row. First, verify that when the condensate tank is at the lowest liquid level, can the minimum recharge capacity of the starting water meet the criterion requirement of not less than 118.1 m3 / h; secondly, It is demonstrated that after the accident the starting water supply is delayed for 140 s due to the delayed loading of the standby AC power supply, and whether the steam generator can take away the decay heat without triggering the specially designed safety system depending on its own buffer water capacity; thirdly, It is demonstrated that the minimum recharge flow of feed water can stabilize the liquid level of steam generator and make it rise after 140 s. Finally, it is verified that the quantity of condensate tank can meet the requirement of starting supply water supply for 24 hours. In this paper, the minimum recharge flow of starting feed water, the buffer water volume of steam generator, the level control of starting feed water, and the conservative calculation of water volume of condensate storage tank are analyzed. The reliability of the design of the decay heat discharge function of AP1000 starting feed water under Non-LOCA (Non-LOCA) accident is verified, and the reliability of the design and the consistency with the depth defense criterion are verified.
【作者单位】: 深圳中广核工程设计有限公司上海分公司;


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