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发布时间:2018-06-13 18:15

  本文选题:电接触元件 +  ; 参考:《电镀与涂饰》2014年24期

【摘要】:镍镀层作为生产电接触元件中铜基体和银复合层之间的过渡层,其可塑性、抗张强度、韧性和延展性均须满足一定的要求。介绍了电接触元件的生产工艺,对适合于电接触元件的镀镍工艺进行了探讨,获得了较好的镀镍工艺条件:Ni SO4·7H2O250~350 g/L,Ni Cl2·6H2O 25~30 g/L,H3BO3 30~40 g/L,Mg SO4 20~50 g/L,(C12H25SO4)Na 0.01~0.02 g/L,p H 3~4,温度40~50°C,电流密度2.0~2.5 A/dm2。该镀镍工艺操作简单,镀液稳定,所得镍镀层光亮平整、延展性好,可以90°折弯而不出现裂纹,成品合格率达98.5%以上。
[Abstract]:As the transition layer between copper matrix and silver composite layer, nickel coating must meet certain requirements for plasticity, tensile strength, toughness and ductility. The production process of electric contact element is introduced, and the nickel plating process suitable for electric contact element is discussed. The better nickel plating process conditions are obtained. The optimum nickel plating process conditions are obtained as follows: (1) Ni so 4 7H 2O 250 g / L, Ni Cl 2 6H 2O 2530 g / L, H3BO3 30% 40 g / L, mg so 4 2050 g / L, C 12 H 25SO 4 Na 0.01 0. 01 g / L P / L H 34, temperature 4050 掳C, current density 2 02.5 ADP / m 2. The nickel plating process has the advantages of simple operation, stable bath, bright and smooth nickel coating, good ductility, 90 掳bending without crack, and the qualified rate of finished product is above 98.5%.
【作者单位】: 柳州市建益电工材料有限责任公司技术部;


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