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发布时间:2018-06-16 20:22

  本文选题:中间带 + 离子注入 ; 参考:《物理学报》2014年23期

【摘要】:II-VI和III-V族高失配合金半导体是新型高效中间带太阳电池的优选材料体系,但中间带的形成及其能带调控等关键问题仍未得到有效解决.采用氧离子注入方式,在非平衡条件下对碲化锌(Zn Te)单晶材料实现了等电子掺杂,深入研究了离子注入对Zn Te:O材料的微观结构和光学特性的影响.研究表明:注入合适浓度的氧离子(2.5×1018cm-3)将会形成晶格应变,并诱导1.80 e V(导带下0.45 e V)中间带的产生;而较高浓度(2.5×1020cm-3)的氧离子会导致Zn Te注入层表面非晶化,并增强与锌空位相关的深能级(~1.6 e V)发光.时间分辨光致发光结果显示,离子注入诱导形成的中间带主要是和氧等电子陷阱束缚的局域激子发光有关,载流子衰减寿命较长(129 ps).因此,需要降低晶格紊乱度和合金无序,实现电子局域态向扩展态的转变,从而有效调控中间带能带结构.
[Abstract]:II-VI and III-V high mismatch alloy semiconductors are a new type of high-efficient intermediate band solar cell material system, but the formation of intermediate band and its energy band regulation and other key problems have not been effectively resolved. The effect of ion implantation on the microstructure and optical properties of ZnTe single crystal has been studied by using oxygen ion implantation method under the condition of non-equilibrium, and the effect of ion implantation on the microstructure and optical properties of Zn Teo single crystal has been studied. The results show that the lattice strain will be induced by the implantation of oxygen ions at a suitable concentration of 2.5 脳 1018cm-3, and the formation of the intermediate band of 1.80 EV (0.45 EV under the conduction band) will be induced, while the higher concentration of oxygen ions of 2.5 脳 1020cm-3 will lead to the surface non-crystallization of ZnTe implanted layer. The deep energy levels associated with zinc vacancy are enhanced by 1.6 EV). The results of time-resolved photoluminescence show that the intermediate band induced by ion implantation is mainly related to the localized exciton emission from oxygen and other electron traps, and the carrier decay lifetime is longer than 129ps/ m. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the degree of lattice disorder and alloy disorder, realize the transition from the electronic localized state to the extended state, so as to effectively regulate the intermediate band structure.
【作者单位】: 南京大学电子科学与工程学院;Department
【基金】:国家重点基础研究发展计划(批准号:2011CB302003) 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61025020,60990312,61274058,61322403,61271077,11104130,11104134) 江苏省自然科学基金(批准号:BK2011437,BK2011556,BK20130013) 江苏省高等学校优势学科发展项目 澳大利亚研究基金会创新项目(批准号:DP1096918)资助的课题~~


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