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发布时间:2018-06-21 12:06

  本文选题:锂电池组 + 充电机 ; 参考:《天津理工大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:多年来,汽车行业带来了环境污染、资源消耗等很难解决的问题,如果持续发展,可以想象其后果之严重。对此,国家致力于大力发展新能源的汽车,而纯电动汽车就是发展方向之一。纯电动汽车零排放、低消耗,符合当代汽车行业发展的需求。电动汽车的能量来源为动力电池,本文选择动力电池中性能较优越的锂电池;锂电池的能量来源有非车载充电机和车载充电机两种。 本文以国家科技部863项目中的电动汽车充电设备电气检测技术及标准研究为背景,针对目前所常见的车载充电设备对电能的损耗和充电标准未能规范化的问题,以提高充电机的充电性能为目的,设计了一款新型的车载充电机系统。 本文的控制对象是95节10Ah的锂电池串联而成的锂电池组,充电方法为三段式充电。系统主电路的输入为220V的交流市电,经过AC-DC,DC-DC的电压变换之后,主电路输出0~400V可调的直流电压。DC-DC变换器采用ZVS软开关控制,提高了系统的转换效率。控制电路是以DSPTMS320F812为控制器的电流环和电压环,实现主电路输出电压和电流的可调。在整个充电过程中,电池管理系统(BMS)对锂电池组的充电参数进行采样,判断锂电池组所处的充电阶段,进而通过CAN通信控制充电机主电路输出电压和电流的大小,最终确保了充电期间的控制精度,也保证了系统的安全性。在确定了系统主控电路的拓扑结构之后,首先完成了对系统主控电路中元器件参数值的计算,然后通过MATLAB仿真分析,验证了主控电路的正确性、同时也确定了各元器件的选型,进而完成了基于DSP TMS320F2812的软硬件设计。最终完成了车载充电机系统的设计,且在转换效率和控制精度等方面达到了高性能指标。
[Abstract]:Over the years, the automobile industry has brought environmental pollution, resource consumption and other difficult problems, if sustainable development, we can imagine the consequences of serious. In this regard, the country is committed to the development of new energy vehicles, and pure electric vehicles is one of the development direction. Pure electric vehicle zero emission, low consumption, in line with the development of the contemporary automotive industry needs. The energy source of the electric vehicle is the power battery. In this paper, the lithium battery with superior performance is chosen, and the energy source of the lithium battery is the non-vehicle charger and the on-board charger. Based on the research of electric testing technology and standard of electric vehicle charging equipment in the 863 project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, this paper aims at the problem that the current commonly used on-board charging equipment can not standardize the loss of electric energy and the standard of charging. In order to improve the charging performance of the charger, a new type of onboard charger system is designed. The control object of this paper is 95 10Ah lithium battery in series, the charging method is three-stage charging. The input of the main circuit of the system is 220 V AC, and after the voltage conversion of AC-DCU DC-DC, the output of the main circuit can be adjusted by ZVS soft switch control, which improves the conversion efficiency of the system. The control circuit is a current loop and a voltage loop with DSP TMS320F812 as the controller to realize the adjustable output voltage and current of the main circuit. During the whole charging process, the battery management system (BMS) sampled the charging parameters of the lithium battery pack, judged the charging stage of the lithium battery pack, and then controlled the output voltage and current of the main circuit of the charging machine through can communication. Finally, the control accuracy during the charging period is ensured, and the security of the system is also guaranteed. After determining the topological structure of the main control circuit of the system, the calculation of the parameters of the components in the main control circuit of the system is completed, and then the correctness of the main control circuit is verified by MATLAB simulation, and the selection of the components is also determined. Furthermore, the hardware and software design based on DSP TMS320F2812 is completed. Finally, the design of on-board charger system is finished, and the high performance index is achieved in conversion efficiency and control precision.


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