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发布时间:2018-06-25 08:51

  本文选题:有源电力滤波器 + 网侧谐波电流控制 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年博士论文

【摘要】:随着电力电子设备广泛应用于工业领域,电能利用效率被大幅提高,但其引入的电网谐波污染也不容小视。电网谐波污染问题的严重性致使有源电力滤波器应运而生,并逐渐成为谐波抑制的有效工具和关注热点。本文以网侧谐波电流控制为基础,总结归纳国内外学者们的研究工作,对网侧谐波电流控制中所存在的有关问题进行了有针对性的研究,主要的研究内容与成果如下: 针对谐波电流分次补偿控制中多重旋转积分器方案和正弦信号积分器方案所存在的有关控制性能的争议,研究两种控制方案之间的内在关联,建立了多重旋转积分器方案和正弦信号积分器方案在时延补偿条件下的等效关系。通过数值仿真与物理实验证明了多重旋转积分器方案与正弦信号积分器方案在加入时延补偿后可以稳定的输出补偿较高次谐波电流,澄清了一直存在的有关争议。 针对实际工程应用中各次谐波电流控制所需时延补偿量难以获得的问题,分析时延补偿对系统的稳定性影响,阐明了时延补偿对系统稳定性影响的本质。并以此为基础,提出了一种新的时延补偿量工程化设计方法,实现了能够快速有效的获得各次谐波所需时延补偿量。 针对开关频率滤波器的优化问题,提出了一种新的开关频率滤波器,即LTCL滤波器。给出了LTCL滤波器的基本结构及滤波机理,并详细介绍了LTCL滤波器的参数设计及相关问题。LTCL滤波器的提出进一步的提高了有源电力滤波器设备的功率密度并节约了交流侧电感成本。 在上述研究的基础上,搭建了有源电力滤波器的物理实验平台,开展了谐波电流分次补偿控制实验、时延补偿实验以及开关频率滤波器的性能对比实验。证明了前文的理论分析与时延补偿量工程化设计方法的有效性以及LTCL滤波器在滤波性能上的优势。
[Abstract]:With the wide application of power electronic equipment in the industrial field, the efficiency of power utilization has been greatly improved, but the harmonic pollution of power grid introduced by it can not be ignored. The serious problem of harmonic pollution in power grid makes active power filter (APF) emerge as the times require and gradually become an effective tool and focus of attention for harmonic suppression. Based on the harmonic current control of the network side, this paper summarizes the research work of the scholars at home and abroad, and makes a targeted research on the problems existing in the harmonic current control of the network side. The main research contents and results are as follows: in order to solve the problem of the control performance of multiple rotation integrator and sinusoidal signal integrator in harmonic current graded compensation control, The internal relation between the two control schemes is studied and the equivalent relationship between the multiple rotation integrator scheme and the sinusoidal signal integrator scheme under the condition of time delay compensation is established. Through numerical simulation and physical experiments, it is proved that the multiple rotation integrator scheme and the sinusoidal signal integrator scheme can output the higher harmonic current steadily after the delay compensation is added, which clarifies the controversy that exists all the time. In order to solve the problem that the delay compensation is difficult to obtain in practical engineering application, the influence of delay compensation on the stability of the system is analyzed, and the essence of delay compensation on the stability of the system is clarified. Based on this, a new engineering design method of delay compensation quantity is proposed, which can quickly and effectively obtain the delay compensation amount required by each harmonic wave. A new switching frequency filter, LTCL filter, is proposed to optimize the switching frequency filter. The basic structure and filtering mechanism of LTCL filter are given. The parameter design of LTCL filter and its related problems are introduced in detail. The proposed LTCL filter can further improve the power density of active power filter equipment and save the cost of AC side inductor. Based on the above research, the physical experiment platform of active power filter is built, and the harmonic current compensation control experiment, time delay compensation experiment and switching frequency filter performance comparison experiment are carried out. It is proved that the theoretical analysis and the engineering design method of time delay compensation are effective and the advantage of LTCL filter in filtering performance is proved.


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