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发布时间:2018-07-02 11:26

  本文选题:火力发电 + 脱硝工程项目 ; 参考:《华北电力大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:近年来,大气污染已成为人们最关心的环境问题之一。作为火力发电主体的燃煤发电厂,它在运转的过程中会排放大量的氮氧化物。而氮氧化物是大气主要污染源之一,因此控制电厂燃煤排放的氮氧化物刻不容缓。作为解决火电厂氮氧化物排放问题的核心工具——烟气脱硝,便随之成为火电行业需要深入探究的一项关键性工艺。目前国内电厂脱硝改造呈现出逐渐扩张的趋势,脱硝普及率在逐年增加,电厂脱硝技术的应用前景是十分看好的,如何选择出一种更有效实用、更节能减排的脱硝工艺便成为首要考虑的一个方面。基于此,本文对火力发电脱硝工程项目进行相关的综合评价研究。 本文首先介绍了国内外四种主流的火力发电厂脱硝技术工艺,,其次介绍了综合评价相关的理论及其方法,在此基础上,以火电厂脱硝工程项目为研究对象,对脱硝方案及综合评价方法进行了全面深入地研究,从生态环境,经济效益以及技术三个方面建立火力发电脱硝方案综合评价指标体系,运用层次分析法和模糊三角数相结合的方法构建脱硝项目方案选择综合评价模型,确定各指标权重值。 最后,以西柏坡电厂脱硝工程项目为例进行系统地综合评价分析,通过脱硝项目综合评价模型对其脱硝技术的改造提出了相关建议,最后重点进行了环境效益分析和经济效益分析,从而为我国同类型火力发电厂脱硝工程项目方案选择综合评价提供一定的理论依据和方法的参考。
[Abstract]:In recent years, air pollution has become one of the most concerned environmental problems. Coal-fired power plant, as the main part of thermal power generation, emits a lot of nitrogen oxides in the process of operation. Nitrogen oxide is one of the main air pollution sources, so it is urgent to control the emission of nitrogen oxides from coal-fired power plants. Flue gas denitrification, as the core tool to solve the problem of NOx emission from thermal power plants, has become a key process for further exploration in thermal power industry. At present, the trend of denitrification in domestic power plant is gradually expanding, the popularization rate of denitrification is increasing year by year, the application prospect of denitrification technology in power plant is very promising, how to choose a more effective and practical denitrification technology, More energy-saving and emission reduction denitrification process has become a primary consideration. Based on this, this paper carries on the related comprehensive evaluation research to the thermal power denitrification project. This paper first introduces four kinds of domestic and international technology of denitrification in thermal power plants, and then introduces the related theories and methods of comprehensive evaluation. On the basis of this, the project of denitrification in thermal power plants is taken as the research object. The comprehensive evaluation index system of denitrification scheme for thermal power generation is established from the aspects of ecological environment, economic benefit and technology. The comprehensive evaluation model of denitrification project scheme selection is constructed by the combination of AHP and fuzzy triangular number, and the weight value of each index is determined. Finally, taking the denitrification project of Xibaipo Power Plant as an example, the paper makes a systematic comprehensive evaluation and analysis, and puts forward some relevant suggestions on the improvement of denitrification technology through the comprehensive evaluation model of the denitrification project. Finally, the environmental benefit analysis and economic benefit analysis are carried out, which provides a certain theoretical basis and method reference for the comprehensive evaluation of the project selection of denitrification project in the same type of thermal power plant in China.


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