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发布时间:2018-07-03 17:39

  本文选题:用电可视化 + 非干预式 ; 参考:《上海电力学院》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:居民用电节能对推进整个社会的节能减排、缓解能源危机起着重要的作用。居民家庭的用电可视化技术是开展节能工作的基础,它有助于用户了解居民家庭内不同时段各电器设备消耗电能的情况,制定合理的节能计划,有针对性的选购节能设备,从而降低能源消耗,减少电费开支。因此,实现居民家庭的用电可视化对提高我国能源利用效率、实现能源的可持续发展、建设节约型社会和缓解能源压力等具有重要现实意义。 本文主要研究了基于负荷特性的非干预式居民家庭用电可视化技术,提出了一种全新的居民家庭用电可视化技术方案。主要研究工作如下:①对居民家庭中典型负荷的电流、谐波、PQ、V-I、瞬时功率等特性进行了测试分析,并给出了各负荷特性特征值的计算提取方法,为构建基于负荷特性的非干预式居民用电可视化系统打下基础;②通过对分立式与非干预式居民家庭用电可视化系统的对比分析,提出了一种基于负荷特性的非干预式居民用电可视化系统,,并指出了其中需要研究的关键技术;③提出了一种基于滑动窗的双边累积和(CUSUM)负荷暂态事件监测算法,本算法能根据居民家庭负荷消耗的有功功率有效、自动、准确的监测居民家庭电器负荷的开启、关闭等暂态事件的发生;④提出了一种基于连续化0-1二次规划的新的非干预式负荷识别算法,改进了离散0-1二次规划求解过程中约束条件不易处理、随着识别设备种类数规模增大其计算量剧增等缺陷,测试验证了算法具有较高的抗干扰能力及较大的识别设备种类数量,识别精度保持在90%以上。 在上述研究成果基础上,在实验室中搭建模拟居民家庭实验平台,实例验证了基于滑动双边累积和的负荷暂态事件检测算法和基于0-1二次规划的非干预式负荷识别算法实现的非干预式居民家庭用电可视化系统具有良好的应用效果,系统监测的各电器设备的启停时刻与运行时间等参数与实际情况一致、效果理想,且系统监测的各电器的耗电量与实际各电器的耗电量误差在0.72%以下,较精确的反映各电器的耗电量。结果表明,非干预式居民用电可视化系统可以便利的、经济的、准确的监测电器的运行状态及耗电量信息,指导用户用电,降低电费开支,实现节能减耗。最后,本文利用MATLAB GUI编写了非干预式居民用电可视化系统演示平台,更为方便、直观地演示了本文所提出的居民用电可视化技术方案。
[Abstract]:The electricity - saving and emission reduction of residents plays an important role in promoting the energy - saving and emission reduction of the whole society and alleviating the energy crisis . The electricity utilization visualization technology of the residential families is the basis for energy - saving work . It helps users to understand the consumption of electric energy of various electric equipment in different periods in the residential families , formulate rational energy - saving plans , and select energy - saving equipment to reduce the energy consumption and reduce the electric charge expenses . Therefore , the realization of the power utilization of the residential families has important practical significance in improving the energy utilization efficiency of our country , realizing the sustainable development of energy , building a conservation society and relieving energy pressure .

This paper mainly studies the electrical visualization technology of non - intervention residential families based on load characteristics , and puts forward a brand - new technical scheme for residential electricity visualization . The main research work is as follows : ( 1 ) The characteristics of current , harmonic , PQ , V - I and instantaneous power of typical loads in residential families are tested and analyzed , and the calculation and extraction methods of the characteristic values of each load characteristic are given , which lays the foundation for the construction of non - intervention residents ' electricity visualization system based on load characteristics ;
( 2 ) Based on the comparative analysis of the vertical and non - intrusive household electrical visualization system , a non - intervention residential electricity visualization system based on load characteristics is proposed , and the key technology in which the research is needed is pointed out .
( 3 ) An algorithm based on sliding window to monitor the transient events of load transient events is proposed . This algorithm can monitor the occurrence of transient events such as opening and closing of household electrical appliances automatically and accurately according to the active power consumed by the household load .
In this paper , a new non - intervention load identification algorithm based on continuous 0 - 1 quadratic programming is proposed , which improves the constraint conditions in discrete 0 - 1 quadratic programming process . As the number of identification devices increases , the algorithm has higher anti - jamming capability and large number of identification devices , and the recognition accuracy is maintained above 90 % .

On the basis of the above research results , the experiment platform of simulated resident family is built in the laboratory . The results show that the non - intervention residential electricity visualization system based on the sliding bilateral cumulative sum load transient event detection algorithm and the non - intervention load identification algorithm based on the 0 - 1 quadratic programming has good application effect . The results show that the power consumption of each electric appliance which is monitored by the system is consistent with the actual situation , and the power consumption of each appliance is accurately reflected .


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