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发布时间:2018-07-06 19:09

  本文选题:自备发电机组 + 电气监控系统(ECS) ; 参考:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Large iron and steel enterprises have established self-provided generating sets with comprehensive utilization of resources, which has extended the industrial chain, improved the utilization ratio of resources, reduced production costs and enhanced economic benefits. The level of production automation is becoming higher and higher, and the level of electrical automation in self-provided power plants must be improved continuously, and the level of real-time monitoring, control and management must be improved. In order to improve the automation and management level of electric system in power plant, electric monitoring system applies computer, measurement protection and control, field bus technology and communication technology to realize electric operation, protection and control of electric system in power plant. The integrated automatic online monitoring and management system based on fault information management and electrical performance optimization is proposed. Through the electrical monitoring system, the power data sharing can be realized and the bottleneck of data exchange can be eliminated. In recent years, the competition of iron and steel industry is increasing day by day, energy saving and energy cost saving have become the outstanding requirements for iron and steel enterprises to improve their comprehensive competitiveness. How to make better use of self-provided generating units, how to use advanced economic dispatch of power generation, excavate the potential of self-provided generating units, and reduce the generation cost to the maximum extent are the severe problems that every iron and steel enterprise must face. In this paper, the structure, function and communication mode of the electrical monitoring system are analyzed. Based on the actual situation of the self-provided generator set in the steel and iron plant, the reliability, stability and real-time performance are fully considered. The hardware structure and software architecture of electrical monitoring system are studied and designed. Based on the detailed analysis of the power supply system in the steel plant and the actual situation of the steel plant, a set of optimal operation scheme of the self-provided generating set is put forward in order to optimize the economic operation of the power generation system in the power grid of the iron and steel enterprise.


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