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发布时间:2018-07-09 15:59

  本文选题:锌银电池 + 活性物质 ; 参考:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着当代科学技术的进步以及武器装备技术的逐层提升,带来的将是对与其配套的锌银电池性能的更高要求。具体来说,在高比能量放电、高平稳放电方面,要求锌银电池需要有绝佳的表现,而且要具有高安全可靠性。就电池的比能量来说,可以通过两种方式来提升:其一是改进正负极活性物质配方和制备方法;其二是改变电池充电方法。但是第二种方式所能看到的效果甚微。那么通过改进正负极活性物质的配方和制备方法将是,提升电池比能量的最为直观、有效的方式。 现今,根据数据显示,一个成熟的电池产品,其正极负极的活性物质利用率大概在55%左右。加上制作工艺为手工生产,电极的厚度不均匀等因素,导致电池的寿命缩短,随之而来的就是电池性能的大幅下降。针对此问题,,试验中正极采用新反应路线生产葡萄糖银粉,在工艺上更为简单,生产出的银粉在物理性能上能够满足压制电极的工艺要求。同时,由于此种银粉具有较大的活性表面积,利用率比传统的醋酸银热分解银粉和氧化银热分解银粉的利用率最多提高了5%~10%。并且在装配为实效电池的验证试验中,以葡萄糖银粉做为正极活性物质的电池,其利用率要比以醋酸银粉做为正极活性物质的电池有了明显的提高。 负极通过不同比例粘结剂的混合锌粉的压制试验及相应的电性能测试,确定了聚乙烯醇的含量为每100g干粉加入2%的聚乙烯醇18ml;通过新老负极活性物质配方的对比实验,可以看出新配方不仅可以提高初期活性物质利用率,而且可以多个周期保持较高利用率;使用新配方并采用三筒混粉机滚混造粒的方式制成的负极活性物质能极大的提高电极的合格率。压制XYZ5电池负极时,电极的合格率达到了97%以上。
[Abstract]:With the development of modern science and technology and the improvement of weaponry technology, it will bring higher requirements to the performance of zinc and silver batteries. In particular, high specific energy discharge and high steady discharge are required for Zn-Ag batteries to have excellent performance and high safety reliability. There are two ways to improve the specific energy of the battery: one is to improve the formulation and preparation of positive and negative active substances, and the other is to change the charging method of the battery. But the second way can see little effect. Therefore, improving the formulation and preparation of positive and negative active substances will be the most intuitive and effective way to enhance the specific energy of the battery. Today, data show that a mature battery product has a positive and negative electrode active substance utilization rate of about 55%. In addition, the manufacturing process is made by hand, and the electrode thickness is uneven, which results in the shortening of battery life, followed by a substantial decline in battery performance. In order to solve this problem, the new reaction route for producing glucose silver powder by positive electrode in the experiment is more simple, and the produced silver powder can meet the technological requirements of pressing electrode in physical properties. At the same time, because of its large active surface area, the utilization ratio of silver powder with silver acetate pyrolysis and silver oxide powder thermal decomposition is increased by 510% than that of traditional silver powder of thermal decomposition of silver acetate and silver oxide powder. The efficiency of the battery with glucose silver powder as the positive active substance is significantly higher than that with silver acetate powder as the positive active substance in the verification test of the assembled battery. The content of polyvinyl alcohol was determined to be 2% polyvinyl alcohol 18ml per 100g dry powder by pressing test of mixed zinc powder with different proportion of binder and corresponding electrical property test. It can be seen that the new formula can not only improve the initial utilization rate of active substances, but also maintain a high utilization rate for multiple cycles. Using the new formula and using the three-barrel mixing machine to roll and granulate the anode active substances can greatly improve the qualified rate of the electrode. When the negative electrode of XYZ 5 battery is pressed, the qualified rate of the electrode is over 97%.


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