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发布时间:2018-07-09 16:38

  本文选题:电动汽车 + 静态负荷特性 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:目前世界能源危机不断加剧,化石能源日益枯竭,环境污染日趋严重,直接威胁到人类社会的可持续发展。为解决能源问题,各种节能减排协议与措施得到了各国政府的大力推行,汽车行业也因其巨大的石油消耗量和温室气体的排放量而走向了发展以电代油,能够实现“零排放”,噪音低等特点的电动汽车之路。近年来,我国在电动汽车行业发展迅速,掌握了大量关键技术,且消费者对电动汽车的认可和接受程度已经很高。在未来几十年内,电动汽车必然会得到大规模发展与应用。然而,电动汽车充电负荷功率大,具有非线性的特点,并且其充电行为具有随机性和灵活性,,工作时会给电网增加较大功率的用电负荷,使系统节电电压偏移更加严重,增大系统网损率、降低配电网运行经济性,若不加以控制和引导,大量的电动汽车无序充电行为将使电网用电负荷出现大幅提高,影响电网安全稳定运行。因此,对规模化电动汽车充电行为对配电网的影响进行研究具有重要意义,可以作为制订合理引导策略的参考,从而减小电动汽车对配电网的负面影响,以适应未来电动汽车的大规模发展与应用。 本文阐述了电动汽车产业发展现状,介绍规模化电动汽车应用对配电网影响的研究现状,表明研究电动汽车充电行为及其影响的重要性。首先对电动汽车静态负荷特性进行详细分析,提出一种电动汽车充电行为的时空分布模型,从电动汽车类型、充电方式、充电开始时刻、充电地点及日行驶里程这五个方面考虑私家乘用车的行为特性,建立在无序充电情况下,基于蒙特卡洛法的大量电动汽车充电负荷计算模型,用于评估高渗透率下电动汽车充电对配电网的影响。其次介绍电网静态电压稳定性及其研究方法,基于连续潮流法对配电网进行仿真分析,分析配电网接纳电动汽车情况与常规负荷情况下的静态电压稳定裕度,在此基础上研究集中充电系数对配电网电压稳定裕度的影响,并设计相应的切负荷紧急控制策略。最后,本文研究了基于峰谷分时电价的电动汽车有序充电控制策略,建立有序充电控制模型,并分别对不考虑用户响应和考虑用户响应的模型进行仿真分析,采用遗传算法进行求解,在此基础上分析采用无序充电和优化调控充电方式时,不同渗透率的电动汽车充电对配电系统造成的不同程度的影响,并将两种有序充电策略的优化控制结果进行对比。 仿真结果表明,电动汽车充电负荷对电网的负荷曲线、节点电压、网损及静态电压稳定裕度都会带来一定的影响,基于系统电压稳定裕度的紧急控制策略能够使系统稳定性得到有效保证,而考虑用户响应的峰谷电价有序充电策略能够有效地将电动汽车负荷从系统基础负荷高峰期转移到低谷期,从而改善系统运行安全性。
[Abstract]:At present, the world energy crisis is getting worse, fossil energy is exhausted day by day, and environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious, which directly threatens the sustainable development of human society. In order to solve the energy problem, various agreements and measures of energy saving and emission reduction have been vigorously implemented by the governments of various countries, and the automobile industry has also developed to replace oil by electricity because of its huge oil consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, which can realize "zero emissions". The road of electric vehicles with low noise and other characteristics. In recent years, China has developed rapidly in the electric vehicle industry, has mastered a large number of key technologies, and consumers have a high degree of recognition and acceptance of electric vehicles. In the coming decades, electric vehicles will be developed and applied on a large scale. However, the charging load of electric vehicle is large and nonlinear, and its charging behavior is random and flexible, which will increase the power load to the power network and make the deviation of the system power saving voltage more serious. Without control and guidance, the disordered charging behavior of a large number of electric vehicles will greatly increase the power load of the power network and affect the safe and stable operation of the power network. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the influence of the charging behavior of large-scale electric vehicles on the distribution network, which can be used as a reference for the formulation of reasonable guidance strategies, thereby reducing the negative impact of electric vehicles on the distribution network. In order to adapt to the future electric vehicle large-scale development and application. This paper describes the development of electric vehicle industry, introduces the research status of the influence of large-scale electric vehicle application on distribution network, and indicates the importance of studying the charging behavior of electric vehicle and its influence. Firstly, the static load characteristics of electric vehicle are analyzed in detail, and a spatial-temporal distribution model of charging behavior of electric vehicle is proposed, which includes the type of electric vehicle, the charging mode, the start time of charging. Considering the behavior characteristics of private passenger vehicle, the charging location and daily mileage are considered, and the charging load calculation model of a large number of electric vehicles based on Monte Carlo method is established in the case of disordered charging. It is used to evaluate the effect of electric vehicle charging on distribution network under high permeability. Secondly, the static voltage stability and its research method are introduced. Based on the continuous power flow method, the distribution network simulation analysis is carried out, and the static voltage stability margin of the distribution network under the condition of accepting electric vehicles and conventional load is analyzed. On this basis, the influence of centralized charge coefficient on voltage stability margin of distribution network is studied, and the corresponding emergency control strategy of load shedding is designed. Finally, this paper studies the orderly charging control strategy of electric vehicle based on peak-valley time-sharing price, establishes the orderly charging control model, and simulates the model which does not consider the user response and considers the user response. Genetic algorithm is used to solve the problem. On this basis, the influence of electric vehicle charging with different permeability on the distribution system is analyzed. The optimal control results of two ordered charging strategies are compared. The simulation results show that the charging load of electric vehicle has a certain influence on the load curve, node voltage, network loss and static voltage stability margin. The emergency control strategy based on the voltage stability margin of the system can effectively guarantee the stability of the system. Considering the customer response, the orderly charging strategy of peak-valley price can effectively transfer the load of electric vehicle from the peak of the system basic load to the low point, thus improving the security of the system.


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