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发布时间:2018-07-11 15:31

  本文选题:双源动力动车组 + 动力电池系统 ; 参考:《北京交通大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:双源动力动车组作为一种创新的动力模式能够有效节约能源、降低运营成本,具有广阔的市场前景。锂离子电池组作为该动车组的动力源之一,能够为提供车辆正常运行所必须的牵引功率并且回收制动能量,实现节能降耗,是一种完全自主创新的动车组动力模式。本文以双源动力动车组动力电池系统为主要研究对象,按照设计要求搭建了能够模拟工况下动力电池系统实时运行状态的仿真模型,并通过与实验结果进行对比分析,验证了模型的仿真精度。具体的研究内容和成果如下: (1)通过了解双源动力动车组的研究背景和意义明确了该动车组的概念;通过分析车载动力系统的工作方式和需要突破的各关键技术,确立了本论文的主要研究对象;通过调研锂离子电池成组模型的国内外研究现状以及蓄电池系统在轨道交通领域的应用现状,确立了本论文的研究方法。 (2)依照动力电池系统的具体工作模式,通过分析该动车组具体的牵引制动特性输入条件,利用Matlab软件计算出了车辆在起动、匀速和制动过程中相应的功率需求;结合功率需求,通过对可能适用于动力电池系统的几种锂离子电池在电压范围、充放电倍率、工作环境温度、电池能量密度和循环寿命等方面进行比较,确定了所选电池类型,并设计了电池组的具体配置方式,给出了电池系统箱体结构的具体设计方式,为动力电池系统仿真模型的搭建做好前期分析工作。 (3)详细研究了搭建包括DC/DC变换器模块和动力电池组模块两部分在内的动力电池系统整体仿真模型的方法,其中重点研究了DC/DC变换器的具体控制方式以及电池组Thevenin模块中对于电池串并联的处理方式;设计了能够通过抽取车辆运行特征工况数据来模拟牵引逆变器具体的运行方式的功率源模块;设计了直流稳压环节用以稳定直流母线电压;该仿真模型良好地实现了对双源动力动车组动力电池供电系统工况下运行状态的完整模拟。 (4)给出了动力电池系统仿真模型中各模块参数的设置方法,其中重点研究了利用正态分布规律进行参数数量扩展的方法;通过对动力电池系统仿真结果的分析说明了该模型的仿真结果符合设计要求,能够满足车辆工况下的功率需求;完成了电池模组实验平台的搭建并给出了实验结果;通过对比仿真结果与实验结果,验证了该模型的准确性,为整车实验平台的试制奠定理论基础。
[Abstract]:As a kind of innovative power mode, dual-source EMU can save energy and reduce operation cost effectively, so it has a broad market prospect. As one of the power sources of the EMU, the Li-ion battery pack can provide the traction power necessary for the normal operation of the vehicle and recover the braking energy to achieve energy saving and consumption reduction. It is a completely independent and innovative power mode of the EMU. In this paper, the power battery system of dual-source EMU is taken as the main research object. According to the design requirements, a simulation model is built to simulate the real-time running state of the power battery system under the condition of simulation, and the results are compared with the experimental results. The simulation accuracy of the model is verified. The specific research contents and results are as follows: (1) through understanding the research background and significance of the dual-source EMU, the concept of the EMU is clarified, and the working mode of the vehicle-mounted power system and the key technologies that need to be broken through are analyzed. The main research object of this thesis is established, and the research status of lithium ion battery group model at home and abroad and the application status of battery system in the field of rail transit are investigated. The research method of this paper is established. (2) according to the specific working mode of the power battery system, by analyzing the specific input conditions of the traction braking characteristics of the EMU, the starting of the vehicle is calculated by using Matlab software. Combined with the power demand, several kinds of lithium-ion batteries which may be suitable for the power battery system are applied in the voltage range, charge / discharge rate, working environment temperature, Compared with the battery energy density and cycle life, the selected battery type is determined, and the specific configuration mode of battery pack is designed, and the specific design mode of battery system box structure is given. For the establishment of power battery system simulation model to do a good job of early analysis. (3) detailed study of the DC / DC converter module and power battery pack module including two parts of the power battery system simulation model of the whole power battery system simulation method. The specific control mode of DC / DC converter and the series-parallel processing mode of battery package Thevenin module are studied in detail. The power source module is designed to simulate the specific operation mode of traction inverter by extracting the data of vehicle operating characteristics, and the DC voltage stabilizer is designed to stabilize the DC bus voltage. The simulation model well realizes the complete simulation of the running state of the power battery power supply system of the dual-source EMU. (4) the method of setting the parameters of each module in the simulation model of the power battery system is given. The method of parameter number expansion using normal distribution law is studied emphatically, and the simulation results of the power battery system show that the simulation results of the model meet the design requirements and can meet the power requirements of the vehicle operating conditions. The battery module experimental platform is built and the experimental results are given. The accuracy of the model is verified by comparing the simulation results with the experimental results, which lays a theoretical foundation for the trial production of the vehicle experimental platform.


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