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发布时间:2018-07-11 16:10

  本文选题:无线传感器网络 + 无线抄表系统 ; 参考:《沈阳建筑大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:随着无线网络技术的快速发展和日益普及,ZigBee无线网络技术以其短距离、低复杂度、低速率、低功耗、低成本的优势成为当前无线传感器网络及自动化控制领域中的一个重要研究课题。它依据IEEE 802.15.4/ZigBee协议标准,在数千个微小的传感器之间相互协调实现通信。这些传感器只需要很少的能量,以接力的方式通过无线电波将数据从一个传感器传到另一个传感器,通信效率非常高。无线电能抄表系统是ZigBee应用领域之一。抄表系统是日常生活中重要的组成部分,传统抄表数据实时性差、准确率较低,用户数据不能够实时、准确地送到相关部门数据库,且抄表所需要的人力、物力代价也比较大,为了解决这些问题无线抄表技术应运而出。本文在对ZigBee技术进行了分析和研究的基础上提出了一种利用ZigBee技术的无线抄表系统设计方案。论文主要完成了以下工作:●阐述了ZigBee协议栈的总体功能结构,对ZigBee的物理层、介质访问控制层、网络层、应用层的结构进行了分析,详细介绍了如何实现ZigBee网络的建立,网络相应节点的加入与离开等功能,●分析了ZigBee网络中的几种路由协议,在对现有ZigBee路由算法分析的基础上,提出了一种优化树形路由算法(Tree Routing Optimization,TRO),该算法能减少路由跳数,从而提高了网络的灵活性,延长网络寿命。通过对随机选取的数据路由过程进行了对比分析,比较了树形路由算法和优化树形路由算法的执行结果,表明本文所提出的TRO算法具有降低路由跳数的功能,适合在无线抄表系统中应用。·设计了一套无线传感器网络抄表试验系统,该系统包括微控制器(MCU)控制电路、无线通信电路以及数据采集电路,其中微控制器选用了8位8051微控制器即ATmega128L,射频(RF)通信模块的核心部分选择了TI公司生产的CC2420的射频收发器,数据采集电路核心处理器采用了ATMEL公司生产的ATmega8单片机,并最终利用VC++开发环境设计了上位机监控平台。·最后,完成了系统整体平台的搭建,并进行了电表计量精度和ZigBee节点之间通讯的抗干扰能力测试,经过实验检测表明,无线抄表系统的各模块可以正常运行,实现了网络的构建,数据能够传输到管理中心,且传输时延满足系统的设计要求,达到了预期的设计要求。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of wireless network technology and the increasing popularity of ZigBee wireless network technology for its short distance, low complexity, low speed, low power consumption, The advantage of low cost has become an important research topic in wireless sensor network and automation control field. Based on the IEEE 802.15. 4% ZigBee protocol, it communicates among thousands of tiny sensors. These sensors require only a small amount of energy to transmit data from one sensor to another by means of radio waves, and the communication efficiency is very high. Radio energy meter reading system is one of the application fields of ZigBee. Meter reading system is an important part of daily life, the traditional meter reading data is poor in real time, low accuracy, user data can not be real-time, accurately sent to the relevant departments database, and the meter reading needs more manpower and material costs. In order to solve these problems, wireless meter reading technology should be shipped out. Based on the analysis and research of ZigBee technology, a design scheme of wireless meter reading system based on ZigBee technology is proposed in this paper. The main work of this paper is as follows: the overall function structure of ZigBee protocol stack is expounded. The physical layer, media access control layer, network layer and application layer of ZigBee are analyzed, and the establishment of ZigBee network is introduced in detail. Several routing protocols in ZigBee network are analyzed. Based on the analysis of existing ZigBee routing algorithms, a tree routing optimization algorithm (TRO) is proposed, which can reduce the number of routing hops. Thus, the flexibility of the network is improved and the network life is prolonged. By comparing and analyzing the randomly selected data routing process, the results of the tree routing algorithm and the optimized tree routing algorithm are compared. The results show that the proposed TRO algorithm has the function of reducing the number of routing hops. A set of wireless sensor network meter reading test system is designed. The system includes MCU control circuit, wireless communication circuit and data acquisition circuit. Among them, 8 bit 8051 microcontroller (ATmega128L) is selected as the microcontroller, the core part of RF communication module is the RF transceiver of CC2420 produced by TI, and the core processor of data acquisition circuit is ATmega8 single chip microcomputer produced by Atmel. Finally, the host computer monitoring platform is designed by using VC development environment. Finally, the whole system platform is built, and the measurement accuracy of electric meter and the anti-interference ability of communication between ZigBee nodes are tested. The modules of the wireless meter reading system can run normally, realize the construction of the network, the data can be transmitted to the management center, and the transmission delay can meet the design requirements of the system and meet the expected design requirements.


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