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发布时间:2018-07-15 18:41
[Abstract]:As an electromagnetic device to convert mechanical energy to electric energy, motor has been widely used in civil and national defense industries. The electromagnetic vibration of the stator system is one of the main sources of the noise in the running process of the large motor, which directly affects the noise level of the motor. The magneto-solid coupling vibration of stator system under complex electromagnetic field is the main source of electromagnetic noise. With the development of large and super large motor, the study of magneto-solid coupling in motor stator system can not be ignored. In this paper, based on the practical engineering background of a large propulsion motor, the modeling of stator structure and the theoretical study of magneto-solid coupling vibration are carried out under the traction of the application of vibration and noise reduction in civil and national defense industries. The accurate calculation model, the calculation method of the electromagnetic force and the mechanism of magneto-solid coupling vibration of the fixed subsystem under the action are given, which provides the theoretical basis for the electromagnetic design of the large motor. The main research results and innovations of this paper are as follows: 1. Based on the prototype of large propulsion motor, a two-shell physical model with unequal shell length in the stator system is established, which extends the application range of the double-shell model. The model can describe the vibration form of the system by analytical expression, and consider the boundary conditions of the inner and outer shell separately. At the same time, it can calculate the inherent characteristics of the two-shell stator system with different length ratio. By analyzing the composition of electromagnetic force of air-gap magnetic field, the expression of electromagnetic force when considering the interaction between stator radial deformation and air-gap magnetic field is obtained, and the electromagnetic force produced by eccentric air-gap magnetic field acting on the inner circular surface of stator core is pointed out. It includes not only the electromagnetic force wave term, but also the linear electromagnetic stiffness term, the nonlinear electromagnetic stiffness term and the parameter excitation term, as well as the term .3related to the rotor rotation. The nonlinear vibration research method of electromechanical coupling system is applied to asynchronous motor. The parametric resonance, parameter-strong joint resonance and double resonance of two-shell stator system under the action of eccentric air-gap magnetic field are solved by multi-scale method. The amplitude-frequency response equation is obtained, and the stability of the steady solution and the singularity of the bifurcation equation are analyzed. Some new laws, such as jump phenomenon and the influence of nonlinear dynamical behavior such as periodic motion of the system, are obtained. The differential equation of magneto-solid coupling vibration of the two-shell fixed subsystem under the action of the eccentric air-gap magnetic pull force and the mass force in the iron core is presented. In order to further analyze the mass force in the stator core, starting from the Maxwell equations and the electromagnetic constitutive relation, the analytical expression of the mass force in the stator core is given by solving the eddy current equation in the stator core. The variation law of electromagnetic field and electromagnetic force with geometric parameters is discussed, and the influence of electromagnetic force in core on magneto-solid coupling vibration is analyzed. The analysis of the mass force in the iron core improves the excitation form of the magneto-solid coupling vibration of the stator system, which lays a foundation for the study of the stator and rotor coupling vibration.


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