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发布时间:2018-07-15 19:27
[Abstract]:To develop clean energy and reduce coal consumption is an inevitable choice to promote the construction of ecological civilization and practice sustainable development. It is also an important prerequisite to realize beautiful Chinese Dream. As a kind of clean energy, nuclear power has great advantages in energy supply, power generation cost, especially the emission reduction effect of environmental protection. The development of nuclear power, condensed the hope of clean energy, also affect people's "nuclear fear" uneasiness. As one of the most important components of nuclear power plant, it is of great significance to ensure the safe and stable operation of steam turbine. In this paper, the structure and control and protection system of nuclear turbine unit are briefly introduced, and the time domain and frequency domain characteristics of a 1430MW nuclear semi-rotating turbine unit are analyzed in detail. At the same time, two representative vibration signals are intercepted, one is the short signal of the unit at normal speed, that is, 1500 revolutions per minute, and the other is the vibration signal with the speed of 1223 revolutions / minutes during the deceleration process. The corresponding frequency is exactly the frequency of the peak vibration of bearing No. 2. In this paper, the axis locus and the spectrum of the two signals are analyzed, and the influence of the deceleration process on the axis trajectory and the frequency spectrum is explained. In addition, this paper takes the simulation signal as an example, and compares the characteristics and advantages of different time frequency analysis methods. At the same time, taking the vibration signal of the unit under the condition of decreasing speed operation as an example, the relative shaft vibration signal and the absolute tile vibration signal of the unit are analyzed in combination with the time-frequency analysis method, and the stability of the unit is analyzed by comparing them from different angles.


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