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发布时间:2018-07-17 17:02
【摘要】:随着电动汽车数量的快速增加和充放电技术的成熟,一方面,电动汽车接入电网充电会对电网安全稳定运行产生不可忽视的影响;另一方面,V2G(Vehicle-to-Grid)技术的发展又为智能电网的推广带来一些机遇。如何对电动汽车充放电行为进行合理地调度和控制,并对电网产生积极影响,,是一个值得研究的课题。本文根据电动汽车充放电行为特性,构建电动汽车充放电调度模型,探讨了基于电网峰谷分时电价引导下的充放电行为对电网产生的影响。 本文首先对电动汽车发展对电网的影响进行了初步探讨,包括大规模电动汽车入网对电网的不利影响和电动汽车作为储能单元对电网的积极影响。介绍了V2G系统的发展过程及其组成部分,分析了V2G的运营和管理模式,本文采用集中V2G运营模式对电动汽车充放电行为进行管理和调度。根据国家对充电设施负荷等级的划分及供电电源的要求,提出了三种具有V2G功能的电动汽车充电设施规划方案。 其次,本文提出以对电网负荷进行削峰填谷为目标,重点针对小型私有电动汽车的功率需求,并考虑了电动汽车充放电功率、电池容量、电池荷电状态等约束条件,建立了一天内电动汽车参与电网调峰的模型,并用粒子群算法优化调度策略,实现了电动汽车参与电网调峰的功能,通过实际算例,仿真验证了电动汽车参与电网调峰的有效性。 最后,根据美国交通部门对美国私家车使用的研究结果,得出用户日行驶里程和用户充电时刻的概率模型,基于电网峰谷分时电价和相关假设的基础上,建立了电动汽车无序充放电模型和峰谷电价引导后的充放电模型,考虑到峰谷电价响应程度,采用蒙特卡洛法模拟电动汽车充放电日负荷功率曲线,根据原始电网负荷,得出考虑电动汽车充放电影响的电网实际负荷。在上述基础上,建立以电网负荷峰谷差最小为目标的电网峰谷电价时段优化模型,并使用遗传算法进行求解,通过实际算例验证了模型的正确性。
[Abstract]:With the rapid increase of the number of electric vehicles and the maturity of the charge and discharge technology , on the one hand , the charging of the electric vehicle access network will have an unnegligible effect on the safe and stable operation of the power grid ;
On the other hand , the development of the V2G ( Vehicle - to - Grid ) technology has brought some opportunities for the popularization of the intelligent power grid . How to properly schedule and control the charging and discharging behavior of the electric vehicle is a subject worthy of study . According to the characteristics of the charging and discharging behavior of the electric automobile , the charging and discharging dispatching model of the electric automobile is constructed , and the influence of the charging and discharging behavior under the guidance of the power grid peak and valley time on the power grid is discussed .

This paper first discusses the influence of electric vehicle development on power grid , including the adverse effect of large - scale electric vehicle entering network on power grid and the positive influence of electric automobile as energy storage unit on power grid . The development process and its components of V2G system are introduced , and the operation and management mode of V2G is introduced . Three kinds of charging facilities planning schemes with V2G function are put forward according to the division of load rating of charging facilities and the requirement of power supply .

Secondly , this paper aims at the power demand of the small private electric vehicle , and takes into account the constraints of charging and discharging power , battery capacity and state of charge state of the electric automobile , and establishes the model of the electric automobile participating in the power grid peak regulation by using the particle swarm optimization algorithm .

In the end , according to the research results of the American transportation department to the private car in the United States , the probability model of daily driving mileage and user charging time is obtained . Based on the electricity price and related assumptions of the peak - valley electricity price of the electric vehicle , the electric vehicle random charge - discharge model and the peak - valley electricity price - guided charge - discharge model are established . Based on the above - mentioned foundation , the optimization model of the power grid peak - valley electricity price period is established taking the minimum of the peak - valley difference of the power grid as the target , and the genetic algorithm is used for solving the model , and the correctness of the model is verified by the practical example .


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