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发布时间:2018-07-20 18:22
[Abstract]:Large-scale wind power access is bound to have an impact on the security and reliability of the power grid, especially on the regional grid with weak grid structure. Therefore, it is necessary to quantitatively analyze the reliability of wind power and its impact on the power grid theoretically. According to the characteristics of a certain regional power network, especially in areas which are greatly affected by the external environment and contain a large amount of wind power, the effects of weather, environment, natural disasters and operating conditions on the outage of wind turbines, generators, transformers and transmission lines are analyzed. This paper presents a method for calculating the failure rate of components considering weather, environment and power network operating conditions, and studies the time-varying outage model of wind turbine and primary equipment of main power system. According to the operating characteristics of wind turbine, based on the analytic method of Markov chain, the three-state fault model of wind turbine is established by considering the running, outage and reducing state. On this basis, the randomness of wind speed is considered. The reliability model of wind farm is established by the influence of wind farm wake effect. Based on this model, the probabilistic characteristics of active power output of wind farm are evaluated by Monte Carlo method, and the evaluation method and process are given. Considering the shortcomings of non-sequential Monte Carlo method, based on the three-state fault model of wind turbine, the time series model of wind turbine state and the ARMA model based on wind speed are given based on state duration sampling method. Considering the influence of complex wake effect of wind farm, the reliability model of wind farm for sequential Monte Carlo simulation is established, and a two-sampling sequential Monte Carlo method is proposed for the three-state model of wind turbine. Based on this method, the reliability of active power output of wind farm is evaluated. Based on the above research results, a decentralized sampling Monte Carlo method is used to evaluate the reliability of a regional power generation system. Firstly, considering the randomness of wind power output, the random outage of conventional generator sets and the randomness of load forecasting, the reliability evaluation model of generation system is established, and the sample capacity of conventional Monte Carlo algorithm in probability sampling is large. In this paper, a decentralized sampling Monte Carlo algorithm is proposed to solve the reliability evaluation problem of wind power generation system. The algorithm divides the interval of [0 ~ 1] into several sub-regions. After sampling, the system state judgment and index calculation are carried out for each sub-interval, thus increasing the sampling frequency of the fault state, improving the sampling efficiency, and effectively reducing the sampling times under the requirement of precision. In view of the fact that the generation system does not involve transformer, transmission line and other power network elements, Monte Carlo method is used to evaluate the reliability of wind power generation and transmission system. Firstly, considering the randomness of wind speed, the correlation of wind speed in many wind farms, the outage and reduction of wind turbines, the reliability model of wind farms is established, and the conventional Monte Carlo method is applied to large-scale wind power access. In particular, when a single unit with small capacity is connected, the sample size is large and the efficiency is low. In this paper, a method combining Latin hypercube sampling and Cholesky decomposition in probability sampling in Monte Carlo simulation is proposed. In this method, Latin hypercube sampling is used to improve the coverage of sample values to the distribution space of input random variables, Cholesky decomposition is used to reduce the correlation coefficient between input variables, and the sampling efficiency is improved. Increase convergence speed and improve evaluation accuracy. The relative evaluation program is established in MATLAB, and the examples of 150 MW wind farm, 10 generator power generation system with 2 wind farms and the improved IEEE-RTS79 generation and transmission system are simulated. The effectiveness of the proposed model and the proposed method is verified by the analysis and research of the simulation results.


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