[Abstract]:Box-type substation is an important transformer and distribution equipment in modern power network. With the development of economy, people demand more and more intelligent power grid. In order to realize the reliability and stability of power supply quality and reduce the workload of power workers, Based on the box substation, a kind of intelligent box substation monitoring scheme based on GPRS communication is designed. It integrates the data collection, transmission and display of the substation, and improves the automatic operation level of the box substation. The wireless real-time monitoring function of box variable parameters is realized. Through the design of GPRS wireless transmission module of DSP data processing module and the upper computer software running module, the general requirements of the monitoring system are achieved. This system takes DSP2407 microprocessor as the core device, realizes the collection of three phase voltage, current, temperature and switch quantity in box substation by designing hardware sampling circuit, and processes the collected data to calculate the voltage of substation. The GPRS module uses GTM-900C development board to realize the communication function between the data acquisition end and the host computer, and transmits the processed data in real time to the display interface of the host computer written by Lab view. The upper computer mainly displays the data, and can also judge the switching state and fault situation of the circuit breaker and so on, and indicate by the corresponding indicator lamp. Finally, the system is debugged and analyzed, and the expected design goal is achieved.
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