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发布时间:2018-07-22 20:05
[Abstract]:Distribution network closed-loop design, open-loop operation. The distribution network planning is generally divided into two stages: on the basis of load forecasting and substation planning, the radiation power supply network is formed according to the power supply range of the substation and the load situation within the scope; Based on the formation of the radiative network, the location of the tie line is determined. The work of this paper is to study the optimization of tie line by using dynamic programming method on the basis of the formation of radiative distribution network. Firstly, the research status of tie-line planning in distribution network at home and abroad is briefly summarized, the connection mode and reliability evaluation method of distribution network are analyzed, and the applicable situation, advantages and disadvantages of these methods are introduced. Based on the analysis of the existing mathematical model of tie-line optimization planning, a mathematical model with minimum investment and maintenance cost and blackout loss cost is established on the basis of comprehensive consideration of economy and reliability. The constraint condition is that the longest power supply path is less than the length of the longest branch in the initial line. Finally, the optimization of tie-line is regarded as a multi-stage decision-making problem, and the bridge with dynamic programming is established. The dynamic programming method is applied to solve the tie-line optimization problem of distribution network, taking the number of tie-lines as the stage and the location of the tie-line as the state. Through the analysis of the IEEE 33 node, the related theories and algorithms used in the subject are verified.


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