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发布时间:2018-07-28 09:48
【摘要】:抽汽供热和低真空供热是目前热电联产集中供热的主要方式,而基于吸收式热泵的循环水提质新技术具有进一步提高机组热效率和供热能力的潜力。工程实践表明,降低冷源损失是提高汽轮机组效率最有效的方法。 以唐山开滦热电公司(简称林电)25MW抽汽机组为例,提出了基于吸收式热泵的汽轮机乏汽热电冷联供工艺。首先应用Matlab对溴化锂吸收式热泵的循环过程进行模拟,分析了驱动热源温度等参数对热力过程的影响规律,并以机组设计参数为基础,针对额定工况,确定了供热负荷不变和发电功率不变两种方案,针对最大工况,确定了供热负荷不变和余热全回收两种方案,对抽汽供热与循环水吸收式热泵供热的联产机组性能指标进行了对比分析。计算表明:热泵机组供热系数达1.65时,在方案Ⅱ额定工况条件下,,循环水吸收式热泵供热机组热效率达到了77.7%,供热负荷达到83.47MW,分别比抽汽供热提高了22.43个百分点和31.3MW,供热能力提高了60%。而方案Ⅱ的最大工况,供热负荷达到104.41MW,发电功率也提高到31.04MW。最后,针对非供热期乏汽余热没有回收的问题,提出了一种乏汽余热综合利用系统,以热(冷)定电,提高汽轮机乏汽资源利用率。 研究表明,循环水吸收式热泵将低品位循环水余热加以提质利用,降低了机组冷源损失,提高了机组热效率和供热负荷,而提出的汽轮机乏汽余热综合利用工艺,将实现汽轮机组收益最大化。研究结果可为抽汽机组的节能改造提供思路及方案。
[Abstract]:Extraction heating and low vacuum heating are the main ways of heat and power cogeneration centralized heating, and the new technology of circulating water quality improvement based on absorption heat pump has the potential to further improve the heat efficiency and heating capacity of the unit. The engineering practice shows that reducing the loss of cold source is the most effective method to improve the efficiency of steam turbine unit. Taking the 25MW pumping unit of Tangshan Kailuan Heat and Power Company as an example, a steam turbine combined heat, electricity and cooling process based on absorption heat pump is proposed. Firstly, the circulating process of libr absorption heat pump is simulated by Matlab, and the influence of driving heat source temperature and other parameters on thermal process is analyzed. The two schemes of constant heating load and invariable generation power are determined. For the maximum working condition, the two schemes of heat supply load invariance and total recovery of residual heat are determined. The performance indexes of combined generation units for extraction heat supply and circulating water absorption heat pump are compared and analyzed. The calculation shows that when the heat supply coefficient of heat pump unit reaches 1.65, under the condition of rated working condition of scheme 鈪




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